Mad at nothing

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6ix9ine x son! male reader

you're 7-10

I'm not rereading this bc I got more request to finish so if it doesn't make since it doesn't make since

Reader POV

I sat in class waiting for my dad to pick me up so we could go to the skate park in Hollywood. I started to think he wasn't coming before I heard the class phone ring.

 (my school has class phones idk if any other school don't have them and just have speakers)

"Please dad" I mumbled as I waited for my teacher to look at me, she turned my way and looked at making me smile.

She got off the phone "Sarah" my heart crumbled as I heard someone else's name but not mine. I sit back in my chair and play with the small chain that my dad gave me.

She went back to teaching and as minutes went on my confidence left and I decided that he broke our promise that he would take me like he usually does for concerts, girls, and tours.

I felt like crying, but knew better, a knock appeared at the door "Harley, get the door while I try to find a video about space" I groaned as we learned this so many times to the point everyone should know it.

"What's wrong, bud?" I heard behind me, my heart came back together as I heard my dad's voice and smelt food "dad!" I exclaimed as I saw my dad in rainbow coat and white pants.

He smiled and I admired all of his diamonds "Hello, Mr. Hernandez" my teacher greeted "Hi, I'm about to take my son" he said as I started to rush to pack up my belongings.

"I wanted to talk about..." I blocked out the conversation as I turned around with my backpack on and smiling at him, he was talking to my teacher, but it seemed like I was in trouble.

He nodded his head "I will talk to him about it" he smiled at her before walking away from her.

"Are you ready?" he said "yes!" I exclaimed as we walk out of the classroom.

He looked at from time to time, but I didn't mind "hey, have there been problems in class with anyone?" he asked, I thought of 5 kids who I hate "yes" I said.

"Have they bullied you or something?" he said as we walked out the main door "kind of" I said "talk to me, I'm your dad" he said as he got on one knee in front of me "I will understand."

(I'm about to use common people name, so if your name here, well that's that)

I looked around weirdly before talking "this one kid, Aaron, is really mean, he took my sandwich yesterday" I said "then called me names" his face dropped when he heard that.

"You want to know what I did to kids when they took my food?" He asked, I nodded "I hit them, but I don't want you to do that, just tell the teacher and she would be take care of everything."

I rolled my eyes at him "hey!" he got serious making me nervous "I mean it" he said as he looked me dead in the eyes "I don't need you getting anymore silent lunches nor no recess because you're hitting kids and putting them into the nurse's office" I huffed at him.

"Fine" I mumbled before he got up and led me to the car, I looked at him as he took off his jacket and put it in the back "are you mad about me getting silent lunches?" I asked.

He looked at me "no, but I don't want you being a bad kid" he mumbled something after that, I think "like me" but dad isn't that bad.

I sit back as he drives to the skatepark "are you ready?" he said as he went to the trunk and grabbed the skateboards.

"Yes!" I exclaimed as we hurried to get to the slope, there was some kids there "you got this, you're as good as them" he said as I got onto my board and looked down the steep slope.

I looked at him and then the kids around us "you got this, practice's everything" he said before I went down the slope and almost fell off on the curve, I smiled before turning forward to see a hill.

I screeched before trying to put my foot down and falling face forward off my board "shit!" I heard out loud before I felt pain strike everything in my body even parts that the pads covered.

"Goddammit" I heard as I sit up and felt the sting on my body last for what seem like eternity.

I saw my dad in front of me "where does it hurt?" he asked as he kneeled beside me, I could see worry and pain in his face "kind of" I replied as I got up slowly with his help.

"Let's leave so you can rest" he said as he was about to pick me up "no, I want to try again" I said, he looked at me like I was insane "(name)" "you said that practice's everything" I reminded him.

He clenched his teeth "yes, but not when you are hurt" I picked up my board and ran to the slope "child" he said as he tried to catch me.

(You about to see that I have never been to a skate park even tho I want to)

I climbed up the slope and got into position "(name)" he said as he was halfway up the stairs "1" I said as he was getting closer "2" I took a deep breath before looking at the stairs to see his hand "3."

I slid down the slope and looked back to see my dad pissed at me, I looked forward to see that bump again, but closer.

I was about to react until I felt the bump go under my board making me surprised until I saw the other slope on the other end of the park, I screeched that time and I crashed into the wall.

"Dad!" I yelled for as I didn't get a respond until a few minutes have passed "It's going to be okay, bud" he said as he picked me up and took my board, he carried me to the short wall dividing the park and the skate park.

"That was great" he said as he looked at the scratches on my face "I wish you didn't get hurt in the process" he said "are you mad?" I asked.

He looked at me "stop asking if I'm mad because I could never be mad at you" I looked at him as his rainbow hair stuck to his face because of sweat from the heat.

"I love you, sometimes you do stuff that I don't approve, but in the end, I can't be mad at you because you remined me of me" he said as he held his hand out for me to take.

We go back to the house and cook dinner together after fixing my bruises.

The End

Omg I finished that in like 5 hours onto Mike from Linkin Park premiering on Monday and Ig by my schedule I have 4 more requests to finish by Saturday, Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday, which is going to be fun because its all short and shit.


Male Reader Oneshots For Males/trangender Males And GenderfluidsWhere stories live. Discover now