Drugs and Alcohol

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Skitz kraven x male reader
Age:13 (you are innocent because I just want to)

Reader POV

I cuddle up on Evan while he plays cards with his friends "Alright, Skitz you win" His friend say as they pick up their weapons in their pocket, He goes outside with his friends.

I look around to see a white pack that Skitz told me not to mess with "I'm thirsty" I said as I looked at Evan's bottle "what does this taste like? " I questioned before putting the bottle to my lips.

"(Name)! " I heard as the bottle was taking from me "don't drink this" Evan yelled at me "why? " I asked him, I am very innocent I don't know about anything my friends know and Skitz likes it that way.

Skitz was my first kiss and taught me about love but he says that there is more things that I can't know "not good for you" Evan said before telling me to go to bed.

I thought about Skitz telling me about adult stuff but never understood it before sleeping by myslef until Skitz came to bed.

(Next morning)

Skitz POV

I woke up to an empty bed, I think (name) must be playing on the Xbox, I went down stairs to hear giggling "(name) " I said before hearing glass clicking and shuffling, I turned to see (name) trying to walk.

"(Name), are you okay? " I asked making him smile "yeah, my head is fuzzy and my body feels on fire" (Name) said as he put his arms around my neck.

I swear I wouldn't be lying about (name) having a hard on "(name), did you drink the beers? " I asked him not in the mood to be tested "the beers? "" Did you drink the fucking beers? " I asked him again "umm... Hehe" He chuckled lightly making me slap him.

He groaned before falling on the ground "yes" He said chuckling, he got up and started grinding on my leg "(name), I swear to God" I growled at him making him continue.

I pulled him to my face by the hair making him whimper "go up them stairs nd get naked in that bed" I growled making him whimper more, he ran upstairs.

(Next morning)
Reader POV

I can't remember anything everything hurts. I sit up and look around, I'm naked and Evan too, why? , I don't know "baby boy" "Evan, why are we naked? " I asked him making him smirk "nothing, but never drink my beers again".

I kept my promise which of course the thing was disgusting.

(Next month)

I sit beside Skitz while his friends are playing cards, I look over from the Xbox screen to see him take out a small white bag " Evan, what's that? " I questioned "nothing you need to know" He told me as the game continued, I'm find out what it is.

After Skitz goes outside, I took the packet and stuffed it in my pocket before Evan came back "(name), time to go to bed" Evan kissed my head before taking me upstairs.

I look to Evan's desk to see a razor blade, I grabbed it and stuffed it in my pocket before waiting for Skitz to get back in bed, I told him goodnight before sleeping with a something I don't know the dangers of.

I wake up early to open the bag to see  white powder, I realized it's something called cocaine but I didn't read the rest of the article, I search how to use cocaine and learned how to use it but don't know the effects of it but what can go wrong.

Evan POV

I wake up to the sound of a scream "(name)! " I said before running down the stairs to see him injecting himself with a needle "Evan~" He said as he got up after using the needle "(name), what the fuck have gotten into you? " I yelled as I slapped him making him smile.

"(Name), this stuff is dangerous and I don't want to lose my innocent baby" I told him as I put my chin on his head, I felt tears roll down my cheeks making (name) smile "well, Slim shady is here and I want to have fun" (Name) said before smashing lips on mine.

I pin him to the wall making him moan against my lips "fucking get this shit through your innocent fucking head" I told him as I tapped his head.

He chuckled before I throw him on the ground making him giggle "(name), I don't want you to go into rehab like I did" (Name) stopped laughing "aw, you care" He said as he started laughing again.

(Next day)

Reader POV

I felt like shit, I don't know that cocaine felt good but then again Skitz was mad when it happened "I can do it just don't scream and control yourself" I told myself as I inject myself again biting my lips till they bleed.

I felt my vision blur and my mind go numb, I walk upstairs before waking Skitz "yes baby" He asked as I smiled at him before sitting in his lap "(name), what do you want? " He asked as I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"I wanna make love" I told him before he pushed me off "(name), do you even know what that mean? " He asked as I tried to think "um.. I want when you make me feel good" I told him not really knowing what that was.

"Later" "Please now" "Love, later"" Now it's later""no" I was pushed off the bed making me mad before I took the syringe and putting more in me "ah, Evan" I scream making him perk up.

"(Name)" He went to look on the other side before I passed out.

(Few hours later)

"Yes" I heard Skitz, my parents was here and I listen to them while they didn't notice me awake, they was talking about something "Skitz" I said making him rush to me " (Name), I'm sorry for not taking better care of you" Skitz said as I looked at him.

"But I got to teach your innocent mind something you going have to understand and one of those is drugs and alcohol" He told me before hugging me.

The end
Looked at a Ftm surgery and I'm kinda of scared for mine if I get one

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