New beginning (Newsies⬇)

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Jack x male reader
Only able to add 1 song
Jack POV
Another Day. Another day for Sante Fe. I walk the streets of New York "Extra, Extra, Ship blown to pieces people didn't escape! I yelled making a few people pay.

" So lying" I heard behind me "just a trick to get more coins" I say to the (skin color) boy "last time I read this pape it said "new ship blown near the bay with survivors" He shows the headlines.

"Well you ain't getting your money for saying the real headlines" I was about to leave "who said I was done talking? " He smirked at my attempt to leave, I turned around "(name) " He spit in his hand and stuck it out.

"Jack" I spit and shook his hand "well I best be selling these papers" He say before sticking his hand up.

"Bye" I say as he close it.

"Hey Jack, any good? " Crutchy asked "no just some bum trying to ask about how to make papes" I joked at earlier "new newsie sold 120 papes today! " Race said "what?! " I stand up "his name is (name) " "(name).. " I thought back to earlier.

" Why? " Race was in my face "because I want a talk with him" I said "just because you don't sell as many papes as him doesn't mean you need to-" I hit Race on the head.

I headed outside mad, I walk until finding the same boy "what wrong, Brooklyn? " I asked as he sat on the curb "nothing but you have a problem my city? " He stood up "so you are Brooklyn's? " I investigate "how you now? " He asked "slingshot and accent goes perfect with their style" I touch his chin.

We look at each other before I removed my hand "how did you sell 120 papes in a day? " I asked "you didn't make the 'headline' good" He told me "bloody bath in the river as people blown to pieces by country missile" He showed me today headline as it was so different from what he said.

"Make it more bloody and get more worth the money" He said before walking away "where you going? " I ask him "the conversation ends when my hand go down" He said as he raises his hand "Brooklyn" He put his hand down.

I wish I could've asked him why he was down here and not with Spot, why he was so handsome, why he didn't he stay?

(Next day)
Jack!" The boys snap me out of my daydream of questions I need to ask the Brooklyn kid.

"Come on let's get to work" I command "140 papes" (Name) said as I see him smile at Mr. Weasel "140! " Weasel yelled "thank you" He took the papes and ran off "120" I said making (name) stop.

"Actually make his 140" (Name) say as he stands in front of me "who ever sells all of them wins? " He spit in his hand "deal" I spit and shake his hand before the boys cheer me on.

"Bring it on, Brooklyn" I tell him before we split ways.

Reader POV
I run the opposite way from Jack "Extra, Extra, Mother killed while giving birth to 6 headed kid" I lied 'Extra, Extra, Mother kills herself after having 6 kids' my mind tries to tell the truth.

I got 20 papes out of my hand "Extra, Extra, China rumour to be making missiles" I say as I got about 40 papes out of my hand "extra, extra, Missiles maybe launched at USA" I say before people took all my papes "extra, extra, creative thinking" I heard behind me.

I walk up to him, he have about 20 papes "almost done" I say "teach me" He asked "that doesn't sound like you" I teased "well selling papes out of Brooklyn seems strange don't it? " He replied back "Spot want someone down here to watch you" I told him.

"He should watch out for himself" Jack said before smiled at him and he smiled back.

"I'm got to get going, back to Brooklyn" I said as the sun is about to go down "I get back to these papes" He tells me as I raise my hand "bye Jack" I say before closing my hand "bye Brooklyn" I ran off.

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