mistletoe (2/4 present)

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Dallon weeks x male reader
Merry Christmas or have a good and safe day while celebrating your holiday
I'm probably edit and organize my book, so it be easier to look for stories like a library on New Year's for y'all gift prob

Dallon POV
Today is the day, I tell (name) my feelings, I screw the mistletoe into the doorway.
(How do you put mistletoes?)

It's Christmas eve (sorry if you celebrate something else), I have my Christmas tree up and lit while the band coming over with food for us to all eat like pizza and all for tomorrow.

I dreamed off (name) walking to me and us looking up at the mistletoe and kissing, my phone goes off, (name), his name shows up as a picture of us on stage shows.

I mumbled curse words before I grab the phone "hey, hey, hi" "Hi, Dallon" I smiled at his voice "I can't come to the Christmas party" My heart shanked "wh-why? " "My mom is in the hospital, I want to see her but I'm not going to make it to the party" He explained.

"Cool, cool, alright" I faked a smile "great, bye Dallon" "Bye" I dropped my phone "it's not the end of the world" I shooked off the feeling and continue decorating.

"Great work, Dallon" I told myself as the house was fully decorated head to toe.

(They taking office off of Netflix, so watch it while you can because it's leaving on Dec 31)

I look at the mistletoe as I should've knew that we wouldn't have kissed but it would've been romantic.

I went upstairs to my bed and called Brendon "hey, what's up Dallon? " "(Name) canceled the party" "And is that going to stop you from having a good time? " "Probably, I just wishing for him to be there" .

"You can't control him but you can control how he feels about you" I listen more to Brendon "if he doesn't show up, it's not going to effect your relationship unless one of you does something".

" Thank you, good night Brendon " "Good night, Dallon" I fall asleep as soon as I put down my phone.

(Christmas Day)

I wake up, get food ready like the dad figure I am, and unwrap some presents for me "(name)" I read his name as I slowly unwrap his first present from me.

It was a bass that I have been eyeing for years but never could find it "I fucking love it" I whispered before going back to cooking.

"Hey, it's (name), leave a message after the beep, bitch" I laughed at his voicemail "thank you for the bass and emo Christmas sweater, you should have my gifts but.... I'm in love with you ever since you audition for Panic! " I look at the sweater I wearing.

"I love you, bye" I hanged up before I heard Brendon yelling outside "fucking Dallon open up! " I chuckle as I open the door "move, hoe" He pushed me out of the way before setting down the presents.

"Welcome to the party" Fall out boy, Twenty one pilots, My chemical romance, gym classs hero, and more should be coming over.

"Have you talked to (name) since last night? "  "No" Sarah looked at me with a smirk "what? " I asked "just trying to imagine (name) not liking you" I blushed "so.. "" Yeah, he likes you" She said.

A knock at the door "hey guys" I said as Fall out boy standed in front of my door.

"Come in" "Bro, news in the group chat, you and (name) are wanting to date the other" Pete reported "he all the way in (home state)" I said rolling my eyes at him "yeah, sure" Pete walked off.

Few more bands come in before Mikey Way into the house "Pete" I said as I pointed to Mikey "dude, he dating" "Dude, I don't care, fuck him already" I mocked his voice from when I told him about (name).

He pushed me out of the way and went to talk to Mikey.

The rest of the night was a blast, I watched as Lynz and Gerard kissed under the mistletoe and Pete tried to pull Mikey under "Mikey, come on, so we can go upstairs" Pete said "I'm uncomfortable with this situation" Ray Toro said as I chuckle.

"I know you have feelings for Mikey, but hey don't worry Frank is probably bisexual" Ray laughed at me and walked away.

Reader POV
I kept calling Dallon but voice mail everytime "I'm staying mom, just got an phone call" "(Name), it's only a car accident, nothing more" "Mom-"" I rather you to kiss the love of your life tonight then stay with someone already being looked over" I looked at my mom "thanks, mom" I smiled at her.

"Go, only 5 hours till midnight" I quickly call my private jet and kiss my mom goodbye before running to the airport.

Dallon POV
The presents was being unraveled as I heard a knock "I think Pete back with the-"" Drugs!-" Ronnie Radke and Andy Black yelled in union "aren't they druggies? " Brendon asked " Aren't most of us is? " Another knock comes to the door as the guys argued about who is a drug addict.

I open it to find Pete with 8 boxes of beers "you didn't have to get all of this? " I stand back as Pete come through the door "I asked Pete to buy some more" I heard behind him.

"(Name)" I was flabbergasted, he walks in as I smiled and helped Pete with the beers.

"I thought you-"" My mom rather me be with you guys then having to stay with millions of people in her room"  He tells me.

I chuckle "my sibling was taking care of her" We smiled at each other "aw, cute" Brendon breaks the silent with his girl voice making the whole room burst into laughter.

"I guess we have to kiss" He said looking at the mistletoe "I guess so" We looked at each other as we swayed back and forth or our toes "kiss already dammit! " Everyone agreed with Frank Iero (I have to put there full name unless it maybe confusion to me).

He put his arms around my neck as I settle my hand on his hips, we was anxious about kissing the other before (name) took the first move.

I stood there holding onto him as we pulled each other closer "aw, look their getting hard" Brendon Urie says again, I held my middle figure out as (name) never let go of me until we was out of breath.

"You know I got to go back and see my mom after Christmas" "I know" We smiled and continue drinking, laughing, and opening presents.

The end

1 present down
3 more to go
I'm organized these one day and edit them but idk when

Bye ٩(ര̀ᴗര́)ᵇʸᵉ

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