Don't disrespect the family name

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MGK x Son reader
I don't care what he says but I hear family I don't hear Philly plus what do that even mean

Reader POV

I waited for my dad to come down stairs with my twin sister "Rook, he's dead to the world I think" I said into the phone before hearing a knock on the door.

I open I to find the man I need "okay, kids get into the truck and I get you father" He said in his country accent making me and Casie laugh, we ran out to the white car and threw our backpacks in the front seat.

Rook POV

I walk up the stairs as memories of Colson's drug addiction came back to me, I don't want these kids to see their father like I did.

"Colson" I called out before opening his bedroom door "Colson" I said before seeing him passed out with a bottle of pills and whisky on the bed side.

"Fuck Colson" I said before waking him up "ouch" He groaned "your kids have you forgotten" I told him before he went wide eyed "yeah, need to drop them off" He said before rushing to the toilet.

He threw up "I will take them just clean your self up and mess" I told him before running down stairs "okay, your dad said he will be there to pick you up but I will take you" I said as the kids looked each other and frowned.

I drove "what's wrong why frowns? " I said "he never spends time with us like he did when we was growning up, now he just cooks for us and don't say a word" (Name) explains.

I understand what they mean, I know that Kells is trying his best but he won't snap out of it "he trying to make money for you guys to live and give you a-"" We already have enough money" Casie snapped.

We drove the rest of the way silent.

Casie POV

I got out of the car and grabbed my backpack "I swear Casie it will get better" My twin tried to cheer me up "yeah, you know most about dad because you don't let me see him, you're so protective over me" I don't know why but I'm in a bad mood.

I just want my dad to spend time with us "hey Casie, I protective over you because you know how it was for dad to grow up and get fame, for us? it's easy and he got things in his head from years ago" He told me before we enter our class room.

Readers POV

I sit down beside Casie before hearing whispers "I bet their father is still doing drugs" I heard on my left, I know who they talking about "ignore it" Casie said "they're twins without a mother and have a drug addict father who do mumble" They laughed quietly.

I get up and distribut the teacher "so, what did you want out of my father? " I growled before Casie got up and put a hand on my shoulder.

"It's not worth-"" He's just someone who speaks mumble and use auto tune, always breaks up with a chick within a month " They laugh making me snap, I hit them before I slap them.

I punch them while the teacher tries to take me off of them.

I continue to fight them until Casie grabs me and hugs me, I look at the bruised kids that I hit before I smirked "office" The teacher commands before me and Casie went to the office smirking and laughing.

"I love how protective you are with the family name" She said before we entered.

Colson POV

Been 2 hours and I'm in the studio "hello? " I answer the phone "is this Mr. Baker? " A lady asked "yeah" I replied as I sit on the couch "your son have just fought 2 kids" She tells me.

I stand up and run out of the studio "I be there in a few" I said as I get in my car and drive to the school.

I walk into the principal's office to see my kids, (name) mad and Casie holding his hand "Mr.Baker" She shooked my hand "so, would you like to tell me what all the fight about? " She asked (name).

"Don't disrespect the family name and I won't hurt you" He replied before I smirked on the inside "I got a punishment for him" I told her before she smirked "you're suspended for 4 weeks" She said before we left.

"I love you for respecting the family name" I told him as we got outside "thank you for controlling him" I told Casie.

"Dad, are you doing drugs again? " I was asked as we got in the car, I stayed quiet "Dad? " (Name) asked again "you don't need to know that just worry about school"  I told him.

"Dad, no please answer it" He begged before I snapped "(name) Baker sit back and stop asking questions" I told him as I drove to the studio.

I take them in and sit them on the couch before trying to think of lyrics, I look up to see Casie about to fall asleep and (name) on the verge of tears.

"I'm sorry, (name) " I said into the mic "I didn't meant to snap, I just been packed on a lot of anxiety today" I rhyme in the booth.

I was lucky the recording was still going because I rapped a whole song for him "I love you don't forget that" I said before he smiled "you lucky that's going to be on my next album" I said making him laugh.

He watch me work until he falls asleep.


I pick up the kids and put them in the backseat of the car and drive home, I am going to get clean and I am going to spend time with my kids more.

I take them upstairs before kissing them on the head "love you guys" "Love you, dad" They said in union "sleep liars" I whispered making they chuckle.

The end

Sorry for the wait but I will get back on to schedule give me a few days okay
Great have a night day or night
Bye baddies

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