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I read the news article that was slammed by my dad as soon as I arrived. I guess this is the reason why I got summoned as soon as we arrived at our house. 

"What the hell are you thinking Joohyun?!" My dad screamed at me. 

"We're now over." I said. Well, we are not officially over but I know it will go in that way. 

"And should I thank you for that?! Do you think the public will believe that? You'll get married 2 days after today. And that's final!" He said and went to his study room. 

All I can do was cry in silence. Mom walked towards me and rubbed me in the back. 

What the fuck am I experiencing? I am on bad terms with Yerim, Taehyung won't talk to me and Seokjin got tired of me. What will I do now?

"Joohyun-ah, end your relationship with Taehyung. You know that your dad doesn't like it in the first place, right?" Mom said in her soft voice. Is she comforting me or ordering me? I can't even tell due to her soft personality.

"Mom, he won't even talk to me as of the moment." I said and wiped my tears.

"Don't worry mom. I'll set this straight." I said to her and went out to go to a hotel.

Along the way, I contacted some press and booked a function hall for a press conference. 

My tears just won't stop running. 


We were all gathered in the living room since we are waiting for the news flash of the article that has been released. Well, I am affected by this news but in the eyes of my parents, I didn't do anything wrong since Taehyung oppa and Joohyun eonnie are the ones who got caught. 

"Sooyoung-ah." I heard Jungkook whispered which made me look at him.

"Uhm?" I answered back. 

"Can we talk in private?" He said. What's the matter? I was about to get up but the news got our attention.

News Flash: We are now live at Marriot Hotel as Bae Joohyun held a press conference

Joohyun eonnie: The rumors are partly true. 

News reporter: Can you elaborate?

Joohyun eonnie: It is true that Taehyung and I had a relationship but that was before. It was history already. Now, I am with Jin and we are more than happy. 

News reporter: But what about the photo that was taken?

Joohyun eonnie: It was taken yesterday but we were just talking. We went to our friend's resort to celebrate Sooyoung's first fashion show together with the rest of our group of friends. So the bottom line is we were not alone there. 

News reporter: So, are you close with ms. Park Sooyoung? 

Joohyun eonnie: We are! Actually, we are just like sisters.

And with that, the news flash got cut off. My gaze went directly to Taehyung oppa. He looks unbothered. And I noticed that we are all looking at him, including Seokjin oppa. 

"Why are you guys staring at me like that? I am fine." He said and let out a giggle. I know that he is mad at Joohyun eonnie but I also know that he wants to make things work between them. 

"Sooyoung" Jungkook called me and went outside. 

I followed him and I saw him sitting. 

"Jungkook, why?" I asked as soon as I got there and sat beside him.

He looked at me. 

"Let's talk about the engagement that we are both in." He said and he is so serious. Like deadly serious. 

"What about it? I thought we are going to sort things out?" I asked him.

"Are we going to succeed in doing that?" He asked.

"What do you mean? Ofc--" I said but he cut me off. 

"WE CAN'T." He said loud and clear. 

So what does this mean? Are we going to break up?

"Then what do you want to do?" I asked in a low tone voice. 

I love him but I cannot bear to see him in pain again because of me. 

"Let's call our relationship off." He said. I knew it. 

"Why?" I asked and looked at him. 

"Maybe we're not really for each other." He said and smiled at me. 

"Okay." I said and leave. 

I went straight to my room and cried in there. 

I locked my room because I know either Seulgi eonnie or Chim oppa will barge in. 

I said I will wait for his decision. I said I will accept what he wants. But why does it hurt? I thought we can overcome this together, at least. 


"Sooyoung-ah~ It's me, open your door and let's talk." I heard Jimin oppa said outside my door.

"Oppa, I'm tired. Let's just talk it out tomorrow." I said to him.

"Let her be, first." I heard Seulgi eonnie. 

I smiled and thank God since my brother got a wonderful soon-to-be wife. 


When she walked out, all I can do was to sat down again and tears ran down. 

I know that she is just waiting for me. She's doing me a favor this time and I hate to be in debt. I really love Sooyoung but when I saw the news about Joohyun noona and Seokjin hyung and what noona said in her interview. Of all the people here we all know how much she love Taehyung but she can't do anything about her engagement about Seokjin hyung.

"Hey" I heard and saw Yerim. 

I did not say anything since I am really not in the mood for anything. 

"You can also tell me anything. I'll be here for you." She said and tapped me on the back. 

"Thank you, Yeri." I said and was about to go to my room but she suddenly hold my hand.

"Jungkook, let's make this work." She said. I got shocked by what she said but I am not in my proper mind to decide but I know that I don't have a choice anyways.

I nodded and just go. 


Finally, I said what I want to say. He agreed. I'll make my best to make him feel that he did a great choice. 

"What do you think you are doing?" I looked at saw Tae oppa.

"I just want to make my marriage work." I answered briefly. 

I don't want to overthink this time.

"Sooyoung is her girlfriend and I thought you like Sooyoung." He said in a serious tone. 

"This has nothing to do with Sooyoung eonnie." I said and stood up as I was about to leave.

"There is! She'll get hurt when she knew what you are trying to do." He said. And that's the time I looked back.

"Oppa, she's also engaged and it is with you." I said since I know I'll hurt Sooyoung eonnie when I did this decision but it is a life time decision and I know Sooyoung eonnie will understand. She's a nice person.

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