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I actually cannot sleep properly because I was thinking if Sooyoung is just fine or not that's why I got up really early and went to her room. 


"Sooyoung-ah?" I called her but no one is answering. 

"Sooyoung-ah, are you awake already?" But still no one is answering.

"I'll go in." I said and opened her door but no one is in there already. 

I guess she went to school a little bit too early. 


I was walking in the hallway and I can notice that people are busy gossiping around. 

"Wah~ Sooyoung really changed. I guess Joohyun and Taehyung are really dating." 

"Some says Taehyung cheated on her." 

"Huh? But Sooyoung is the girlfriend of Jungkook, right?"

"Uhuh. And you know Jungkook he's a player." 

"We can say that she seduced both of them"

And they both giggled. I went to them and it made them stop.

"Are you done?" I asked in a serious tone. 

I cannot just let other people badmouth my sister. Not on my watch.

"I am asking are you done?!" I shouted which gathered the other's attention.

They keep their head low.

"Don't ever talk to my sister like that." I said in warning but I felt someone touched my shoulder.

"Oh? Oppa, what's happening here?" Sooyoung asked. 

I scanned her and her aura looks different. What happened. Jungkook what the fuck. 

"Nothing, let's go." I said as I was about to pull her to me but she dodges it quickly. 

And shake her head.

"They should learn something." She said and looked at them as if she's going to do something.

I guess she heard what they said.

"Let it go." I said to her.

"No." She firmly said.

"You two. You should lift your head when we are talking to you." She said in a mocking tone. The two still looking down.

I saw Sooyoung's smirk. 


The bell rang as a sign that we should all enter our rooms.

"You girls should meet me later at lunch." She said with a warning tone. 

She then walks away and I just went to my room. 


It's odd for me to do that but I am not in the mood to put all smiles on everybody. Not today. 

I really left early since I'm not yet ready to face Jungkook. I know this sounds crazy but I was hurt by his decisions and I just don't want to show it to him.

Morning class feels just like the usual and lunchtime came. 

I went down to the cafeteria and saw EXO oppadeuls are at our table. I noticed Yerim and Jungkook are sitting side-by-side. That's odd, they don't usually sit next to each other/ Like when we were still not together, he would always sit beside Seokjin oppa or Jimin oppa. 

And that, Joohyun eonnie is also there but sitting next to Jin oppa. I guess they're trying to put up a show. 

I walked towards the table and sat next to Taehyung oppa.

"Oh? Sooyoung-ah~ you left early awhile ago." Seulgi eonnie said as I sat down. 

"Yup, I need to do some stuff here before the class starts." I said and smiled at her as if nothing happened. 

"So why are you guys sitting in your not usual seats?" Baekhyun oppa asked us.

"We'll be sitting with our fiances from now on, hyung." Jungkook answered and looked at Yerim. She then smiled at him.

"What? I thought you and ---" Sehun oppa was about to say something not until Taehyung oppa grabbed my wrist and stood up.

"We're going to eat outside." He said and just dragged me with him. 


"I'm sorry." He said as soon as we are already settled.

"Huh?" I reacted since I don't know what he is talking about.

"Yerim... don't hate her." He said and looked at me.

I cannot follow. What is he saying?

"What do you mean? Why would I hate her?" I asked in confusion. 

"She wants to make her future marriage work and Jungkook agreed." He said. 

Oh. I see. 

"She just made the right choice like if we cannot stop it from happening, we have no choice left but to deal with it." I said and smiled at him. 

"What about us then?" He asked me and looked at me.

"Let's figure it out when we get there." I said. 


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