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"Let's give it a try, Kook." I said to him and smile.

His eyes went big. I think he thought I was going to reject him. 

"Really?! So you're my girl now, right??" He exclaimed and all I did was nod and smiled at him.

He looks so happy and so am I.

"But, there's one thing that I need to clear." I said as I hold his hand.

"What is it?" He asked.

"There might be some times that I'll get hurt due to Taehyung oppa and Joohyun eonnie but I am already in the process of forgetting him so I hope you'll bear with me." I said and looked at him in the eye.

"You don't need to worry about that, babe." He said and kissed me on the forehead. 

I hugged him real tight and kissed him on the cheek before I let go of him.

"You go to your class now." I said to him.

He looked at his watch and realized that his class will start in 5 minutes. 

"Oh shit! I need to go now, I'll fetch you later, alright? love you!" He shouted.

"I love you too!" I shouted back.

When the door closed, I realized that there are also other students here inside so I got ashamed and directly went to my workspace. 


I decided to stay at the private lounge while I convinced Jimin to attend his class. He said that he'll go here as soon as his class is finished. 

I am actually not affected by Mina at all. First, even though she's Jimin's ex-girlfriend, I can feel that Jimin does not feel the same way anymore, and second, Sooyoung hates her. Sooyoung will not hate someone without a reason. 

So, I am guessing that she can't just really move on and that's sad.

Speaking of Sooyoung, is she working with her gowns? I got bored and Sooyoung is the only one I know that doesn't have a class at least during this time. 

To: Sooyoung

Sooyoung-ah, are you busy?

In less than a minute she replied, well I guess she is not that busy.

From: Sooyoung

I'm just working on my gowns, eonnie. Btw, are you fine? and how can you text in class?

To: Sooyoung

I'm at the private lounge, I skipped class.

From: Sooyoung

Oh, I see, wait for me there, eonnie. 

And with that, I did not reply and just waited for her. After a few minutes, Sooyoung came holding her box full of threads and needles and the gown that she's making.

"Eonnie~" She said and went to me for a hug as soon as she enters and dropped all the things that she is carrying.

"Why?" I asked and I hugged her back.

"That bitch will really see what she's searching for." She said and I can feel that she is somewhat irritated about what happened. 

"I'm okay now, Sooyoung-ah. Don't worry too much about me. How about you?" I asked. 

"Joohyun eonnie and I are getting worse like I feel like I don't know her anymore." She said and looked down.

I know that she loves Joohyun eonnie but even, I am getting confused about how she acts these past few days. 

"Do you know the reason why?" I asked.

"Of course about Taehyung oppa. I was the one who initiated the thought to help her get back with oppa but I fell and I know there's something that I don't know that makes her mad at me like this. When Tae oppa's mom came to our house, she also got mad and saying that I am happy because auntie does not like her." She narrated. 

"Maybe she's just getting frustrated that Taehyung's mom doesn't like her. It will be fine, don't worry." I said and hugged her.

"And eonnie, there's one more thing." She said but this time she is quite excited. 

"What is it?" I responded.

"Jungkook and I are now officially dating." She said with all smiles.

I can see that she is really happy. I also observed that Jungkook really likes her but Sooyoung...

"I can see that you are happy but you still---" I was about to say that she still has feelings for Taehyung but she cut me off.

"Jungkook is aware of that but I believe that I am already in the process of forgetting it eonnie. Besides, it's not that I love him." She said. I can see that she is really sure about what she is saying that's why all I did was smile

"Okay, good for you then, Sooyoung-ah. Even though, it hasn't been that long since I met Jungkook, I can see that he's a good man." I said and smiled at her.

She smiled at me.

I helped her in completing her gown and we haven't noticed the time not until Jimin and Jungkook went in. 

"I knew that both of you will forget the time so we went here to pick up the both of you to eat lunch." Jimin said that caught our attention. 

"Oh, you know what oppa, eonnie has a talent in designing. She knows how to stitch!" Sooyoung said to her brother like a little kid. 

I just laugh at her and Jimin looked at me. 

"She's good at everything, sis." He said and smiled at me which made me smile back.

"Okay, what's that? What's with the exchange of smiles?" Sooyoung went in the middle of me and Jimin and gave us an exchange look.

She really looks like a kid now. What a cutie.

"Babe, don't interrupt them." Jungkook said as he pulled Sooyoungie to him.

Sooyoung was about to say something but Jimin talked first.

"Babe?" He asked and looked at Sooyoung.

"We're dating." She said and side hugged Jungkook. 

I thought Jimin will be mad because the last time I check, he does not want Sooyoung to be involved with boys yet but he smiled and put his arm around Jungkook which made Sooyoung break her hug.

"Are you sure about this Kook? You'll date this brat?" He asked Jungkook while giggling.

Sooyoung gave him a look and pulled Jungkook away from her brother.

"Stay away from my boyfriend." She said that made us three laughs.

"It's not like I'm going to steal him away from you. But Jungkook, take care of my sister." He said and pat his shoulder.

"I will." Jungkook replied.

"Let's go now, I suddenly felt hungry," Sooyoung said and pulled me with her. 

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