Fun part

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The night comes and we all decided to go back to the resort but Jimin said we should stay behind for a while. 

"Why do we need to stay?" I asked him since I think 15 minutes has passed already and he is still not talking or sharing something. 

"I just want to spend some time with you." He said and smiled while looking at the falls.

I don't deserve you, Jimin but I need to do this. 

"I see. Taehyung and Sooyoungie seem to be back at it again." I said since I don't actually know what I will say. 

"Yup. And it concerns me." He said and looked at me.

I know that look and I think, I know that concern as well. 

"She might get torn between Jungkook and Taehyung. I know when she let Jungkook in her life, she's still not over with Taehyung, not fully at least." He said.

What a good soul this man.

"Ani, when she let Jungkook into her life, she is willing to move on. She gave her full attention and time to Jungkook. And now that Taehyung is already back in her life, I think she'll continue doing that with just a little spice." I said and smiled as I remember how Sooyoung opened up about Jungkook before. 

I sensed her sincerity that time that she wanted to try to be with Jungkook since she realized what Jungkook has done for her. 

All she did was open her eyes and divert her attention because she did not notice Jungkook before because her attention is in full with Taehyung. 

If one day Sooyoung will say that she still loves Taehyung, she already settled things out. 

I know. I am her best friend. 

"How come you know my sister more than I know her?" He said and giggled a little.

"Well, we're best friends," I said and smiled widely.

"We are siblings." He fought back.

"Even though!" I defended. He just laughed and raised his arms as a sign of surrender. 

"But thank you. I am lucky to have you in my life. You know that among the girls that I've met before, you're the only one who passed Sooyoung's standard and bitch radar." He said and shake his head. 

"Bitch radar?" I asked curiously.

I know Sooyoung is a fighter but what's that tho,

"Hmm... her 6th sense. She said she can sense if a person is pretending to be nice. I know that's quite worth a laugh but she kinda proved that." He said and looked at me with amusement.

"She totally cares for you." I said out of nowhere. 

"I know, and I am also the same." He said. I know you are, that's how we got close. 

I just smiled and nodded. 

"It's getting dark already, let's head back?" He said.

"Let's go." I responded and walked ahead of him but I felt his hand slipped on mine but I just let it be and held his hand as well. 


We went back home with an awkward atmosphere especially in the girl's room only Wendy eonnie and I am the only ones talking while Joohyun eonnie and Yerim are in silent mode. 

Despite all the things that I know and discovered, I want to just keep quiet and just let them rest but tomorrow we will go back to Seoul and it will be much harder for them to make up. 

"Joohyun eonnie~" I said as I walk towards her bed. 

She looked at me in her usual surprised look.

"Eung?" She responded.

"Can you help me cook for our dinner?" I asked. What a lame reason as Wendy eonnie have their chef here.

"Huh? but we can just request it to the chef." Wendy eonnie said in confused mode. 

I looked at her signaling that I am planning to do something. She gets it already but she just can't take it back as Joohyun eonnie and Yerim will notice it.

"I want to make this day memorable and it will serve as thank-you service at the same time." I said and smiled at them.

Joohyun eonnie nodded as if she was convinced.

"Okay then, come on." She said and stood up.

I also did the same and lead her to the kitchen.

We started immediately after I told eonnie the instructions. 

She'll make the seafood paella while we asked the chef for the others since we cannot do it alone like we can but we will all starve in return and I'll do the dessert. Chocolate Strawberry shortcake. 

"Eonnie" I talked in the midst of measuring the ingredients.

"Uhm?" She reacted as well.

"Why didn't you tell me that Rose was the one who said stupid things about me." I asked. 

I overheard it awhile ago. Rose is talking to her friends. I don't even know why they are included here. 

I also heard that she's supposed to sabotage my fashion show but Joohyun eonnie stopped it that's why they are not on good terms now.

"And also the fashion show."


I got carried away by Sooyoung's question I didn't know that she knew that. 

I am clearly not on good terms with Rose right now since when I discovered that she will sabotage Sooyoung's fashion show I can't bear that. That is just too much. 

"You don't need to know that anymore, Sooyoung and about Yerim. I am really at fault. I will accept what will they're going to say." I said to her and looked at her.

She looked at me for a while and walked towards me to give me a hug. 

"What about you and Taehyung oppa?" She asked worriedly.

"It doesn't matter anymore. We're not really meant for each other, I guess." I said but deep inside it hurts me as hell.

I want us to be the endgame but it seems like fate is not in our side.

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