Give way

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I'm here in our lecture room since we are going to have a class and our professor will give us instructions about our incoming couture event. 

And that suddenly hits me. I suddenly remember Joohyun eonnie and  Joohyun eonnie and I am not on good terms same with Taehyung oppa. What should I do?! 

I let a big sigh.

I should text them... or should I just let them be my model? 

I was thinking that for almost 10 minutes and I've decided since I don't want to complicate things so I'll just text her.

To: Joohyun eonnie

Eonnie, I know that we're currently on not-so-well speaking terms so, I think we both need time to breathe. I'm going to change both of my models. Just tell it to Taehyung oppa but thank you for accepting my offer before. 

And with that I sent it. 

So who's going to be my models, now? I've started the gown already so I should find a woman who has the same height at least. 

My thoughts got cut off when our professor suddenly walked-in.

"Settle down, I have some announcement to make." She said as she walked-in that causes some of my gossip girl wannabes block mates to sit down.

"Okay, so class the couture week will be moved next week. I'm so sorry for the late notice. It is because we're going to have a whole week trip after that and we can't really move it anymore farther than that week." Our professor said which just adds more stress. 

It causes an uproar well I want to do the same but I am speechless on what is happening.

"I hope all of you have started or at least finished half of your dresses and tuxedos. So as for the fashion show itself, I hope you already booked your place and I forgot to mention that for your marketing, design, music and so on for that night you can have a collab with other colleges and of course, they'll have credits for it." She said. Woah. Why is she saying this like just now? Shouldn't she tell us this beforehand?? Where will I get those people??

"That's all you may go now." She said and left.

I put my head down as I am thinking who would be on my team and of course my models.


We heard knock on our door that made us all look but when it opened I saw Jungkook and his bunny smile.

"Sooyoung-ah! come out for a bit." Jungkook called me. And of course, it made my classmates gossip. 

I went out immediately because I have many things to think of and the gossips of my block mates will not help me at all so I just went out to see him right away.

"Why?" I asked as soon as I closed our classroom's door with no energy at all.

"Oh-- Did something happened?" He was about to say something but it looks like he noticed my mood.

"Well, our professor told us that we need to have people for our marketing, design, and music for our couture. AND not only that, we'll have our fashion week moved next week and I am not yet done or even halfway with my dresses and lastly, I messaged Joohyun eonnie that they will not be my model anymore." I said and looked down realizing how many things I should be worried about besides finishing my outfits. 

He lifted my chin that made me look at him.

"You can do it, youngie. And besides, you have us. Seulgi noona can help you with the interior and we will help her and as for the music it's easy we can also do it. But with the marketing, Joohyun noona is the one to ask for that field." He said which lighten up my face when I remembered someone for BA Marketing. 

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