Chapter 2

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"No, those look way too hard," Sage said, gesturing to an entire list of spells.

It was the next day, and immediately after they finished their classes, Hermione dragged Sage up to their room to show her the book that she had found in the library that morning. It was an old book filled with spells and jinxes, some so cruel that she wondered how the book even ended up in the school, but with a few potentially useful ones nonetheless.

They were eagerly searching through the papers to find something that Sage could use to get back at Fred. She didn't think that she'd actually have to put in the effort to learn these things that Fred did all of the time, but if it meant she was even a little closer to being on his level when it came to pranks, she would do it. She had felt inferior to him for much too long and it was time for a change.

"What about these? They look pretty simple," Hermione said after flipping to a page filled with simple jinxes.

Sage scanned the list and looked at the directions to complete each one, most looking relatively simple. "Yeah, these could work."

They looked through the jinxes on that page as well as a few others, soon deciding on a pantsing jinx. It was a pretty easy one, but hopefully would be effective. And embarrassing.

Hermione read over the instructions multiple times, practicing the described motion with her wand and perfecting the flick of her wrist, and muttered the spell a few times to get a feel for how it rolled off of her tongue.

"Okay, stand up," she directed.

Sage was a bit confused but stood up from the bed. "How come?".

"I need to try it once. Then you can learn it."

Sage immediately moved her hands to defend her lower regions. "You are not pantsing me!".

Hermione chuckled. "C'mon, it's not like I'm going to do your underwear! At least hopefully I won't," she giggled and practiced the movement with her wand again.

"Why can't I just learn it and practice on you? I'm going to be the one using it anyways."

"Because these instructions are really confusing and it's best if I learn it first and then teach you. We both know that you aren't the most gifted when it comes to spell work."

Sage rolled her eyes but reluctantly nodded. She really couldn't argue with that. "Okay, fine."

Hermione chuckled and raised her wand before clearly saying, "evanescere" and flicking her wand in an intricate movement that was aimed at Sages' pants.

Shockingly, Sage's pants did in fact shoot down to her ankles.

They both giggled as Sage quickly pulled them back up, Sage quickly falling onto Hermione's bed soon after in a fit of laughter.

"Okay, well at least we know it works," Sage said after her laughter ceased.

"Okay, let me show you," Hermione said and pulled Sage up so that she was sitting next to Hermione on the bed.

Hermione first showed Sage how to use her wand, moving it for her at first through the motion that resembled the & symbol. Once she got the hang of it, Hermione instructed her in how to say the spell.

"Evanescere," Hermione spoke, stressing each syllable.


"No, no, you're saying ev-an-ess-ar-ey. It's ev-ah-ness-ah-ray."

Sage groaned. "I'm saying the same thing!".

Hermione groaned in return but chuckled. "No you're not! Try again: evanescere."

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