Chapter 23

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"I haven't smoked in so long," Sage said as she sat down on the floor next to Fred, whose attention was set on packing a bowl. They were sitting up against the side of his bed and facing the open window to ensure that the room wouldn't smell too terribly bad once they were finished.

"Mmhm," he mumbled as he carefully packed more weed into his colorful, glass pipe.

"I can't believe you've had stuff this entire time. You've been holding out on me, Fred," Sage teased.

Fred turned to look at her with an equally teasing grin. "Well, you never stick around long enough to find out, do you?".

His words could be misinterpreted as harsh to some, but Sage knew he was teasing. She still pretended to be offended, though. "Are you saying that if I stick around after I'll get free weed every time?".

Fred hummed. "Maybe. Guess you'll have to find out."

Sage chuckled and shook her head in amusement as he lit up and took the first hit. Sage watched his lips wrap around the pipe as he sucked, the plant glowing orangey-red as it was ignited. He pulled away, inhaled, and breathed the smoke out, a blissed-out smile on his face as he did.

Sage made grabby hands for the pipe and scooted closer to him. Fred breathed out a laugh and handed it to her along with the lighter. Sage immediately relit the bowl and inhaled, breathing in and filling her lungs with the smoke.

She breathed it back out, not feeling a single urge to cough as she did. "Fuck, this is good stuff."

Fred nodded. "It better be, I dropped a load of galleons on it."

Sage giggled and leaned back against the bed, the effects of the drug already taking place.

Fred held the pipe up to his mouth and inhaled while looking at Sage with a raised eyebrow, a question in his eyes. Sage nodded and sat up, leaning in closer.

Fred pulled the pipe away from his mouth and inhaled before leaning into Sage and grabbing the back of her neck to pull her in. Their lips barely touched as he breathed the smoke into her mouth and Sage inhaled all of it. She pulled away with a smile and breathed it back out, giggling a bit after it left her lungs.

Fred held the pipe out to her again. "You want more?".

Sage nodded and took it from him, her mouth already curled up into the smile that she knew would last for the rest of her high. "Yeah, one more." She pulled it to her lips, lit it, and inhaled, taking a bigger hit for her last.

She pulled off of it and blew the smoke directly in Fred's face, unable to keep in the giggle before she blew it all out.

Fred waved the smoke away from his face with a playful scowl, knocking her thigh with his bent knee in retaliation. Sage just giggled and fell back against the bed again.

Fred finished the bowl and then stood up to dump the ashes out of the window, putting the pipe back in what Sage guessed was its box afterward. He turned away from the window and looked down at Sage with a smile.

"You up for round two?".

Sage giggled and shook her head no, half-heartedly reaching up to wave Fred down to her. Fred looked at her confusedly but did as she asked, moving to sit down next to her on the carpeted ground.

Sage clumsily clambered to sit in between his open legs once he did, the fact that she was high very apparent as she did so. Fred just chuckled and wrapped his arms around her waist, squeezing her once. Sage practically preened at the attention, leaning her head back to nuzzle into the side of his head.

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