Chapter 15

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Another week came and went, Sage's days passing by in a blur of classes and homework and Fred. She tried to take some time away from him, maybe spend some of her days with Ginny instead, but she couldn't stay away from him. She found herself with him every night, whether they were doing their homework together while taking 'breaks' every once and a while or sneaking out to see one another after curfew. It was like she needed him every day, and even that was barely enough.

It was currently Saturday morning - the morning of their quidditch match against Slytherin. The game was a bit of a bigger deal than the rest of their ones from that year, seeing as it was their first time that Gryfindor was playing against Slytherin - their rival team. Gryffindor had won against Hufflepuff but had lost to Ravenclaw and Slytherin had beaten Ravenclaw and had lost to Hufflepuff. It wasn't the championship game or anything, but the school had been buzzing the entire week - more trash talk had been thrown around than any other game that year.

Ginny had gone into town with Ron to get some quidditch gear - they had both somehow broken their helmets - so Sage was heading over to Fred's room. They had a Herbology assignment and she was hoping that he would work on it with her before the game that night.

Fred and Sage had stopped writing to each other at some point, they each knew one another plans since they saw each other every day and would just find the other if they wanted to see them. They either left their doors unlocked or cast a quick 'alohomora' (the school didn't need to know) to let themselves in.

Sage arrived at Fred's door and tried the handle, finding the door to be unlocked, and let herself in. She smiled to herself as she shut the door behind her and watched the scene in front of her.

Fred's record player played a song that Sage had never heard before, something light and happy filling the air. The room was empty but the door to the bathroom was left open and Sage leaned back against the wall with her arms crossed and a smile painted on her face as she watched Fred. He had obviously just gotten out of the shower - he had a white towel wrapped around his waist and his hair was still wet and deepened to that auburn color that Sage loved so much. He was singing along to the song while shaving his face, half of his skin still covered in shaving cream, and he was shaking his hips to the music as he did so. Sage grinned as she watched his firm little bum move side to side underneath his towel. He was absolutely adorable.

When Fred spotted Sage through the mirror, he didn't look embarrassed or stop his dancing. He instead set his razor down, his face still unfinished, and danced over to Sage to pull her further into the room to dance with him. He was still singing along to the song as he grabbed her hands and spun her around while she giggled.

He smiled at her and let go of her hands to go finish shaving, still singing along to whatever was playing on the record player.

Sage walked into the bathroom and hopped up on the counter just as Fred was finishing shaving and toweling off his face.

"What's got you in such a good mood?" she asked, unable to keep the smile off of her face. Fred's happiness had always been quite contagious.

Fred moved to stand in between her open legs and placed his hands on her thighs. "The quidditch match."

"Oh yeah?" Sage said and looped her ankles behind Fred's legs. "You're that confident that we're going to win?".

Fred grinned. "Mmhm. And," he said and poked Sage on the nose. "If we do win there's going to be a party tonight."

"A party?" Sage asked and leaned back against the mirror, her legs still wrapped around Fred's bare legs.

"Yup," Fred said and softly grabbed her calves to remove her legs from around him. He walked out of the bathroom and into the closet, not bothering to close the door as he got chanced.

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