Chapter 20

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Once they arrived back at the castle, Ginny parted ways with Sage and Fred because she had some things she needed in the library for her Defense Against the Dark Arts assignment. After walking in the opposite direction from the pair for a few seconds, she turned around to see Sage playfully smacking Fred's arm away from where it was looped around her waist right before they turned a corner.

She shook her head with a frown on her face as she turned back around to walk to the library. As she walked all she could think about was why they wouldn't tell her something like this. She wasn't sure what was going on but she was less confused on why it would be happening and more on why they would go so far to keep it a secret.

When she entered the library, all thoughts of Sage and her brother disappeared and a smile took over her face when she saw that Harry and Ron were saying their goodbyes to Hermione before leaving the room, leaving Hermione alone at her table.

"Hey, 'Mione," she said cheerily and plopped down in the chair next to Hermoine's.

"Hi Ginny," Hermione said kindly. Ginny loved that about her - she was just so warm and inviting all the time. Like a big ball of sunshine. Except for when she got mad, she wasn't so sunshiney then. But Ginny loved that about her too, it was admirable.

She loved a lot of things about Hermione, really.

"I was wondering if you'd help me on the Defense Against the Dark Arts thing? I'm having a bit of trouble with it," Ginny said with a pout and leaned her elbow on the table, resting her chin in the palm of her hand. She wasn't actually having any trouble with the DADA assignment but Hermione didn't need to know that.

"Yeah, I was just about to start working on that actually. What were you having trouble on?".

Ginny racked her brain for an answer. "Uh, you know, just like most of it. I'll go grab the books and stuff I need right now." She slid out of her seat and went to go grab all of the books that she needed as well as some parchment and a quill.

When she got back to the table, she resumed her previous position where she could angle her entire body to face Hermione.

"Just let me finish this potions thing and then we can begin," Hermione said in her perfectly posh accent.

Ginny nodded and didn't move to change her position, keeping her chin in her hand and continuing to watch Hermione as she wrote. Ginny had never really been one to be subtle, why start now?. Hermione didn't look at her or acknowledge her blatant staring, but Ginny could tell she wasn't oblivious by the blush steadily rising on her cheeks. She couldn't help the smirk from forming on her face.

"Okay! Let's get started." Hermione said with a clap once she finished. Ginny chuckled at her flustered state. It was so damn cute.

Ginny smirked. "After you."

Hermine rolled her eyes and reached into her bag to grab some parchment and her own DADA book.

"We can just share one book," Ginny suggested. "Save more table space."

Hermoine shrugged and nodded. "Okay. It's page 320 I think." Ginny smiled and turned to the page. "Do you understand the assignment?" Hermione asked.

Ginny shrugged. "Uh, sort of. Maybe you should explain it again."

Hermione sighed and quickly outlined the paper that they would be writing. Ginny had already known what the assignment entailed but she just loved having Hermione's sole attention on her. She vowed to do as much as she could to get it more.

"Okay, and then it starts explaining that on this page," Hermione said and started paraphrasing the pages for Ginny.

Ginny had thought that she had fully understood the lesson, but with Hermione's explanations, she learned that she barely knew any of it. Hermoine understood things that had flown right over Ginny's head. She was just so smart. At some point, Ginny's eyes had trailed away from the page to study Hermione instead. She was much more interested in that than some sort of curse. Her face was illuminated by the sun raining in from the windows and the light silhouetting behind her curls made her glow almost like an angel.

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