Chapter 9

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When Sage woke up the next morning, she was surprised to find that she felt completely at ease - and not only because of the satisfaction that was still coursing throughout her entire body. She knew that she should have been feeling regretful or embarrassed or nervous about seeing Fred, but she felt none of those things. She didn't even feel the urge to ignore her hungry stomach and skip breakfast, something that she would have done if she felt the need to avoid Fred.

She was a bit confused about why the night before had happened and wanted to know what it meant, but she had no reason to feel embarrassed or fret too much about it. She just climbed out of bed and moved to the bathroom to quickly get ready for the day before breakfast.

Fred on the other hand woke up with just a few more nerves present in his stomach. It wasn't because of embarrassment or regret, definitely not regret, but more just about what would come of it.

You see, Fred had always had eyes for Sage. It was never too big of a crush and it didn't deter him from having other relationships - it wasn't like he was in love with her or anything - but he had always noticed her just a bit more than he had other girls. Her hair that somehow always looked as if it would be soft to the touch, her big, brown eyes, her skin that always looked as if she had just come home from a sunny holiday. Don't even get him started on her figure, he could write endless poems and sonnets about it if he let himself, quill scratching infinite words onto paper about how she somehow made the quidditch uniform look hot.

His crush on her had only grown as they aged, and it had started to get a bit out of control that year. He had hoped that he could maybe get it out of his system if they spent a night together; he hoped that once he had her he could have one good memory, store it in the back of his mind and move on with his life.

That was not the case.

The reason he woke up with an uneasiness stored in his belly was that he knew deep down that his feelings had only grown. Now that he knew what it was like to be with her in that way, even if it had been quick and fueled by anger, he couldn't just forget it. It was the best sex that he had ever had - nothing else that he had ever done could compare.

He also had a fear in the back of his mind that they somehow ruined their friendship. Even if it seemed like they sometimes hated each other, they had been real friends ever since Sage was friends with Ginny, and he valued that friendship endlessly - feelings be damned. He knew that if she regretted it things could turn awkward and he just prayed to Merlin that she didn't feel that way. He wasn't all that worried though - Sage had always been laid back and easygoing. She wasn't the type of person to get too weird about sex and he knew she wasn't a virgin. He never knew though, she might be weird just because it was him.

As he started to get ready for the day alongside George, he still had an anxiousness in him that he couldn't shake. He didn't know if it was because he was worried that he ruined what they had or worried because he loved it so much.

Fred and Sage arrived at the dining hall at the same time, Fred walking with George and Sage with Hermione. They sat down at the table at the same time as well, choosing to sit directly across from each other. When they initially made eye contact for the first time that morning while Hermione spoke about their upcoming potions assignment, there was an upward tilt in each of their lips and a glint of something mischievous in their eyes.

You see, neither Fred nor Sage were one to be embarrassed or bashful about this sort of thing.

Sure, Fred had been a bit nervous about what would come of their night together, but when he could see that Sage obviously wasn't worried about the same thing his worries melted away. And he wasn't about to be all bashful just because he had fucked her brains out the night before. At least going by the sounds and faces she was making, he had nothing to be embarrassed about.

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