Chapter 25

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To Sage's surprise (and relief), things with Fred didn't change too much over the next few days. They still looked to one another first when something was funny, they still teased Ginny enough to make her nearly hate the two of them, and they still joked around with one another in class. It was obvious that both of them were adamant to not let their friendship be affected by the upcoming date that they chose not to speak about and they were doing a pretty damn good job at it.

It was clear that there were still some blurred lines, still some habits that they had yet to break. There were multiple occasions where Sage caught herself reaching out to fix his hair or rub a soothing hand over his thigh in Herbology only to quickly retreat before she actually touched him. The physical aspect of their friendship had slowly evolved over time--it had become a normality to be touching him more often than not--and it was hard to revert back to how it had been before.

She wasn't the only one who was struggling though, that much was obvious. Fred didn't have reflexes as quick as Sage's though, he normally didn't realize that he was doing something that wouldn't be classified as platonic until he was actually doing it. He was always the more touchy one though, so it made sense.

He hooked their feet together under the dining table, placed his lower hand on the small of her back as they walked to class, wrapped her in a big hug after she scored at quidditch practice - even though the score wasn't even that great of a play. Each time he quickly realized what he was doing though, pulling away with a bashful smile and apologetic look. Sage gave him a reassuring look each time, trying to let him know that she really didn't mind.

It wasn't like they needed to act like strangers now, it was just probably best if he didn't stick his dick in her as often.

Sage had just finished her last class of the day and was starting to make her way up to her room where she would try to get as much school work done as she could before the quidditch game that night.

It had always been her goal to finish her homework on Fridays before games so that she had the entire weekend to do as she pleased. That hadn't been happening recently due to a certain distraction with red hair and tendencies to create chaos wherever he went, but now she had a few free hours before she would go kick ass on the field. It would be nice to have a weekend without the stress of homework due on the following Monday.

When she got back to her room, she unloaded her bag and set all of her school work out on her desk. Just as she was about to sit down, there was a peck at the window that halted her movement.

Her first thought when she saw the owl was Fred, but she quickly shook her head of the thought and took the letter from the owl's beak. It probably wasn't him, she didn't know why her stomach fluttered at the possibility that it could be.

She tore open the letter eagerly and read the perfect cursive written in ink. Definitely not Fred, then.

Dearest Sage,

Would you do me the honor of accompanying me to dinner at Hogsmeade tomorrow evening? We can celebrate your guaranteed quidditch win.



Sage smiled down at the letter in her hands. She had started to feel a bit more excited at the idea of going out with Theodore lately. It was something that had been on her mind for ages and she felt overjoyed at the fact that it was finally happening.

The only thing was, she wasn't quite sure if she was happy to be going out with Theodore or happy at the fact that the so-called 'Man of Her Dreams' wanted to go out with her. That she was good enough and pretty enough for him. It was a messed up thought, she knew, but after years of lusting after someone and the feeling coming back unrequited, it did something to one's pride.

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