Chapter 47

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Another week flew by Sage, the days filled with so much happiness as she tried with every ounce of her being to enjoy the time left that she had at Hogwarts with Fred. Sure, she'd be able to see him plenty throughout the summer and through the next years of their lives, but there was something about kissing between classes and giggling through the homework that they were meant to be doing that she'd miss dearly.

She'd been trying to take more time to focus on her schoolwork and to spend with her friends, but every moment that she was away from Fred left her craving his presence. You'd think that it'd be annoying, but getting that rush every time that she saw him was probably one of the best feelings she'd ever felt in her entire life.

She had never understood that cliche about seeing everything through rose-colored glasses, but after finally admitting her love for Fred and getting to be purely and unequivocally in love with him, after giving herself to him and being so incredibly intimate with him, she understood that the cliche was so, so, possible. She knew that the honeymoon phase existed and that the intensity that she felt things at could be temporary, but she knew that the utter joy that came with being with Fred would never leave. It was so damn exciting that she tried not to think about it too much.

She thought about all this as she walked to breakfast on Monday, practically buzzing to see him because they hadn't spent the night together the night before since both of their roommates had been in. It was probably a bad thing that she could barely go a night without seeing him but she didn't really care.

She walked over to their table once she entered the dining hall and frowned as her eyes searched for Fred. George was at the table, which normally entailed his twin seated directly next to him, but the other boy was nowhere to be found.

"Where's Fred?" she asked before she sat down.

"Sick," George said messily through a bite of toast.

"What? With what? He was fine last night," she said with a frown.

George shrugged and took another bite of toast. "I dunno, he woke up with a whole bunch of shit wrong. Cough, headache, sore throat; you know the rest."

Sage felt a knot of worry burrow itself inside of her stomach. Realistically, she knew that there was nothing seriously wrong with Fred, at least nothing worth worrying about. There had been more people out sick in the last week than there had been in a while, some sort of bug passing around the school that must have come home with students from their spring breaks. Even though she knew it was most likely just a cold, it didn't stop the discomfort she felt when she thought about him being sick. She hated it when the people she loved were in any sort of discomfort.

"What's he doing now? Does he have medicine? Did he sleep last night? Does he need anything?".

George rolled his eyes and set down his food. "I think he's fallen back asleep, you worrywart," George said with an exasperated shake of his head. "Yes he has medicine, our mum always makes us take some in case this happens, and yes, I'm pretty sure he slept last night. You can check on him later if you really need to."

Sage nodded and shoveled a spoonful of eggs onto her plate. "Okay, I will. You'll bring him his schoolwork from his classes, right?".

George rolled his eyes again. "Yes, Mum."

Sage chuckled self consciously. "Sorry."

George just waved her off. "It's cute, how you're worried about him over a little cold." Sage blushed and looked down at her eggs, playing with them a little bit before she took another bite. They sat in silence for a moment before George spoke up again. "I'm glad that you care for him so much. He loves you too much for his own good, I'm just happy that you love him back."

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