Chapter 24

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Sage's mouth was still set into a firm line when she walked back into her room. She was too busy frowning at the ground to acknowledge Hermione and Ginny who were both sitting on Ginny's bed. They were obviously both still in the room, but luckily they were both fully clothed. Thank Merlin Sage had waited long enough to let them do whatever it was that they were doing.

"Hey, Sage," Ginny greeted from Hermione's bed, said girl curled up underneath her arm.

Sage mumbled a greeting in response, stripping of Fred's sweatpants as she walked to her bed and immediately climbing underneath her covers.

"Is that Fred's sweater? And boxers?" Ginny asked with a small smirk.

"Hmm, yeah," Sage mumbled, not having the energy or mind space to care about lying or coming up with an explanation. Ginny opened up her mouth to reply, most likely with something smug, but Sage interrupted her before she could speak. There were more pressing matters at hand. "Theo asked me out," she blurted.

Both Hermione and Ginny's jaws dropped slightly as their eyes widened.

"Oh," Ginny said, void of any emotion.

Hermoine smiled, but Sage could feel the fakeness of it. "Oh! That's um, that's good, right?".

Sage nodded, the action conflicting with the frown that was still present on her face. Her emotions weren't exactly making sense to her at the moment. She felt an odd mix of different feelings, some good and some not so much. It was all a bit confusing.

"You-" Ginny started a bigger frown on her face than on Sages. "Did you say yes?".

Sage nodded. "Yeah." She cleared her throat after her voice didn't come out as confident as she would have liked. "Yeah, I did."

She frowned at Ginny's frown and Hermoine frowned at both of their frowns. There were a lot of frowns.

Hermione then smiled brightly, obviously trying to rid some of the tension in the room. "That's great, then!". She turned to Ginny and nudged her with her elbow, sending her a look to tell her to lighten up. "Because Sage is single and has been waiting for this for a very long time. Right, Gin?". Ginny reluctantly nodded, her downturned face still not agreeing with her actions.

Sage was confused at their interaction but brushed it off along with all of the other confusion her brain was dealing with at the moment.

"Yeah, it's um, it's really good," Sage said with as much confidence as she could muster, not sure if she was trying to convince the other two girls or herself. "I've wanted this for so long, I think I'm just in shock and need to sleep on it before I get all squealy about it. Either that or I'm upset that he had to see me like this," she joked and gestured down to herself, trying to lighten the mood of the room. She was still a bit confused because she knew why she had conflicted feelings, she just didn't know why the other two would.

Hermione smiled but Ginny remained stoic. She seemed to be studying her, her eyes roamed over her face as if she was trying to understand Sage's mind and decipher all of her emotions. Sage fidgeted a bit under the covers at the attention.

"You're seriously going to go out with him?" she finally said, her tone almost coming off as hurt. Sage had never been more puzzled by anything in her life.

"I mean, yeah. He's all I've been talking about for years, Gin. I didn't think you'd be so surprised."

"And there's no one else? No one who you could be hurting in the process?" she asked accusingly. Hermione elbowed her in the side with a shush.

Sage frowned again. She wasn't stupid, she knew what Ginny was hinting at. It wasn't like Ginny hadn't been clear about her (correct) suspicions for some time now, but she didn't know the full story and had no place to judge Sage's decisions.

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