Chapter 21

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Sage was having the shittiest day that she'd had in a long time. You'd think that after such a fun weekend, the following Monday would just follow right along, but Merlin was that not the case.

Because she had taken a mid-day nap the day before that had lasted longer than she had planned, she hadn't been able to sleep a wink that night. She had tossed and turned for hours, rotating between being too hot underneath her blanket that kept tangling between her legs and then being too cold once she threw the blanket off.

She had woken up with dark circles and legs that felt like cement before dragging herself to her first class of the day. Just to her luck, that class consisted of a test that she had apparently completely forgotten about. She had winced as she scribbled down nonsense for most of her answers, knowing that she knew absolutely none of the material and was about to wreck her grade. It was never a good feeling.

In her next class, Care of Magical Creatures, there was apparently another thing that she had forgotten about: a research project about care for different creature's hair. Where her mind was throughout the entire weekend when it came to schoolwork, she didn't know. Her stomach had immediately dropped when all of her classmates had immediately pulled out stacks of paper from their bags once they sat down. Even George had done his. George. Luckily, Hagrid had agreed to give her more time to do it without penalty because she was 'such a great student'. Thank Merlin Hagrid was so forgiving.

She had opted to skip lunch in order to try and regain another hour of sleep because she could barely keep her eyes open as it was. She had stripped off her robes and buried herself in bed, willing sleep to take her and add a little bit of charge to her internal battery, but of course, that didn't happen. She just tossed and turned throughout all of lunch, the built-up stress from her day not allowing her even a second of sleep. She had skipped eating for absolutely no reason.

She then proceeded to spill a vile of ink on herself in her next class and barely even paid attention in her last. It was overall a downright shitty day and all she wanted was to go bury herself in her bed and pray to Merlin that she could fall asleep. She couldn't even have that though, she now had extra work to do on top of her assignments from that day. And she would have to go relearn all that she had been taught in her last class, for she absorbed absolutely none of it.

In between the end of classes and dinner, she successfully completed her missing assignment from Care of Magical Creatures and started on her Transfigurations work. 'Completed' was a strong word. It was half-assed at best.

She trudged her way down to dinner and picked at her food in silence while everyone bantered around her. She was unable to hold up a conversation at the moment and she didn't feel bad about it. She ignored concerned looks from the others who could tell that she was feeling off and just focused on getting food in her stomach.

When she got back to her room for the second time that day, she immediately stripped of her robes. She had kept them on earlier because she knew that she would need to wear them to dinner, but she had been itching to take them off all day. She had been practically suffocating in them. She threw on her pair of boxers that she saved for particularly comfy nights and her older brother's old sweater that she had stolen, needing all the comfort that she could get.

She buried herself back in her bed and vowed to just get through all of her schoolwork and go to bed early. She could do it. She could power through.

Right when she was about to power through it, there was a knock on the door. She outwardly groaned and buried her face in her hands, rubbing her fingers over her eyes. She did not feel like dealing with anyone else. It was just not the night.

She reluctantly tossed her blanket off of her and stomped to the door, opening it to find Fred standing outside.

"Listen, Fred, I'm sorry but I'm really not in the mood to do anything tonight, so if you could just wait-"

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