Updates and stuff

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So obviously I haven't been in any productions lately and haven't done drama class in person BUT in February (probably) we're going to be reading a play of some sort so I can talk about that. My classmates are pyromaniacs so that's fun. Today my drama teacher told us a story about when she was in college and helped with the costuming (It's kinda like her "speciality") for a production of something something trench coat.
*Read at your own risk but you should probably be 13+ to read this part*
I'm not going to go into details but basically there's a character who's a flasher and he is nude (parts are covered) for one scene in Act 2. She also said that this old lady who went to every one of the shows for the college wrote a letter saying that she didn't like anything about the show but that the young man wasn't too bad. 🤦‍♀️
*Okay read on if you skipped the part*
So anyways I've lost all my irl social skills. The rare few times I went in a store my face decided to look nervous, I basically don't talk to anyone outside of my parents and siblings, and I became the third parent even more than before :D.
I hope you all are hanging in there, quarantine sucks but I'll deal with it to protect people and myself. My dad had a false positive Covid test and then the doctor called a week later to tell him it was actually negative. My mom got half of my dad's symptoms but they were both fine. It wasn't big defining symptoms for Covid it was more of body aches and headaches. I'm just trying to make the best of it. School is making me want to bang my head against the wall but I'm thankful that I don't have it as bad as some. Good night/morning/afternoon/evening! Here's a picture of my cat Panda to make you smile, hopefully. 


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P.s thank you for being here even though I'm annoying at times. I word things badly so it can come off in ways I don't want it to.

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