Play on your phone

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So I was absent from school and I came back today. I'm in my drama class and this happens.
"Hey [teacher's name] I've been gone. What do you want me to do?"
"So right now we're in the middle of the first round of people doing scenes. Once we do the second round I'll put you and [classmate] together since she's in the same boat. So...I guess you can just play some candy crush on your phone."
He then asked what games we actually had on our phones.
*To classmate* "What do you play?"
"Candy crush..."
We all laugh
*To me* "What do you play?"
"Uhhhh...I don't really have anything on my phone."
"Okay, so you go play Candy Crush and you go play tic tac toe with yourself. I don't think it'll be very eventful though."
I love this man. He's a mood.
(He also said that he was going to set fire to a jacket that had been left since before winter break and said that he same jacket was his scene partner)

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