Don't be a gatekeeper!

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This is a few things EmeraldCLovegood said in her no nuance November chapter but I promise I'm not trying to copy her. This is kinda what I have said before as well.
Okay this is probably going to be blunt but I do not care right now.
Don't gate keep. It doesn't matter if it's with theatre or it's with shows. Don't do it. People can like popular musicals. Just because someone is new at your theatre doesn't mean that you get to judge them and be rude to them if "they aren't as good as you" or "an outsider". They could of been at another theatre. People all have different skill levels. This isn't talked a lot about by the way.
If someone does bad at a audition don't hate on them or comment at all on it! You probably have had a bad audition too!
Oh and lastly if someone isn't in every show at your theatre that doesn't make them less of a theatre kid. Don't treat them like crap or talk about them behind their backs. They love theatre just as much as you do!
So basically don't be a gatekeeper!

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