Closing Of A Christmas Story

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Whew! That was a journey! We been through a lot in this show and it's finally over. A girl drew all of us as our character on her tablet and printed it out so we all had copies. It looks so good. Ralphie made cardboard ornaments with the Christmas Story logo on it and the leg lamp frills. Yesterday I got a Christmas Story shirt that I wouldn't of got unless a random person canceled and happened to be my size. It was expensive but worth it. We had a potluck and Mrs. Parker made leg lamp cookies. A little girl and the director had a sword fight with cardboard tubes inspired by a story the director told. I was keeping it together pretty well until that happened and everyone was being crazy. As much as I'm happy to be done with this show I will miss my crazy castmates and dressing room mates. We have put our all into this show, all the pain, being freezing, tears, sickness and hours paid off.
Off and on I wanted to quit all the way until we actually started doing shows. I kept telling myself that I have to do this for the cast and for the people. We had three actors quit, the third one the first day of tech week. I actually didn't know what I was doing until the third time we did the show in front of the audience. I spent some much more time at the theatre then I did in Oklahoma and I wasn't used to it. I was in more scenes than Oklahoma I wasn't used to it. I was sick during this too. This was way more difficult than Oklahoma. I am proud of myself and for everyone for keeping on and not giving up. I'm proud of the boy who played Flick who stepped up and learned everything in a week. I am proud of how much confidence some of us have gained.
All I want to say is that I love you guys and thank you for being on this journey with me. Happy Holidays and please for the love of the Red Ryder Action BB gun with a compase in the stalk and this thing that tells time don't stick your tongue to a flagpole! (Yes I do the the Red Ryder BB gun part by heart and no Ryder is actually spelled right)
Edit: It's now January 2021 almost February and I hate thinking about being in the show. Thankfully I can still listen to the songs without wanting to sink into the ground.

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