I Don't Stand For This Shit

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I am very annoyed at people right now. Especially seniors at the moment.
I'm in a class where half of it is AP class for seniors and half of it is people doing online college (dual enrollment) classes. I'm in a college class.
Today, one of our school counselors was "subbing" for the normal teacher since he's was in a meeting.
The seniors took this as a time to talk to each other. Towards the end of the class, one girl (Let's call her K) was talking about how the cast list for the Spring drama production came out.
K was talking about how she didn't think most of the cast were a good fit for their roles. She then claimed the only reason why a few people were cast was because they were friends with the stage manager (Let's call the SM, Dev). Apparently Dev had joined drama this school year but had been put it in a advance drama. K thought it was unfair that Dev got to be the SM because they "have no clue about anything".
She kept speaking about how people should of been cast differently and how her boyfriend should of gotten the lead and making different accusations about the SM.
I get that she's upset that Dev because the stage manager, as they have no specific experience but how do you expect them to get experience without having the chance? They have other experiences in a position of leadership and they ran concession last year so they aren't fully clueless.
Lastly, K started naming certain people and said that they sucked at being actors so they shouldn't of been casted in the first place.
I don't care if someone is talking about me, but when they're walking around spreading rumors and insulting others it makes me angry. Just because you are more experienced does not mean that you are better than everyone.
You know what the kicker is? She's not in a drama class. She hasn't seen half of these people act. She just assumes that the people she's not friends with suck and tells a bunch of people.
Theatre is supposed to be a space for everyone, where people help each other. Not a place where people judge others and laughing at individuals behind their backs.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2023 ⏰

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