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Okay so I don't know if I've told you guys this story before but it's been on my mind so I felt the need to say it.
Back in November and December of 2019 I was in a production of A Christmas Story at my community theatre as you all know. We would leave the theatre later than we wanted to since we had to do chores. Now a lot of these people I had mixed feeling about. One night after a Saturday show, I was getting ready to go and leave the dressing room and go home with my mom. My mom was waiting for me out in the lobby. I texted her saying I would be out soon. My friend then asked me to call her because she couldn't find her phone. I had a VPN at the time that didn't let me text or call anyone after 10 who wasn't my parents or siblings. Also basically my phone wouldn't work without WiFi after 10. This was a real problem for me a lot of the time. So anyway me being me, I tried to call her anyways. The artistic director who was also in the show, came in and asked if I was done yet because my mom was waiting for me. I was tired so I just told her, "I'll be right out, I'm calling *insert friend's name here* phone because she can't find it."
She then replied "Well it isn't your job to fix all of her problems and take care of her. That's her mother's job." She said more than that and she said it in more harsher words. I was holding back tears because I'm a sensitive child. I told her "I'm sorry, I'll be right there. Let me just tell *insert friend name* I'm leaving." I went to my friend and said still hold back tears that I had to go and I couldn't help her. She had found her phone so it was fine.
My mom would of waited by the way. We didn't really have anything the next day. I don't remember if I told my mom or not. Oh and the artistic director also cut that same friend's hair and she made a rude comment which I'm not gonna say because it's not mine to share.
I have two questions for you guys. Do you guys have to do chores after your show? How would you react if what happened to me happened to you?
Edit 1/29/21 : I'm so over it now, most of the people at the theatre are honestly toxic and gatekeepers. They're nice at shows but you see their true colors when you're around them a lot. I try to ignore the negative traits tho since I like them still and because I like doing theatre.
Friendly reminder that you don't deserve to be treated badly or be walked all over. You fricking matter. Make sure to take care of yourself even if it's not a huge thing that you do like drinking water or taking some time for yourself.

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