In The Heights Movie

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There are some small spoilers so be cautious if you haven't seen it and want to
Yesterday I watched In The Heights at a theater that I haven't been to before (We're on a girl's trip). The roof was wooden so it made the sound even better. I would rate it a 8 or 9/10. I loved it but there were some things that were iffy to me. I didn't like the changes they made to the song Blackout. I disliked the line "You've been shaking your a** for like half of the heights." It just didn't sit well with me.
Skip this part if you don't want to read my long thing about the song Breathe and why I relate to it.
Breathe made me almost full on sob. It reminded me of my mom's situation and it was also relatable to me. Why I thought of my mom is she was the first person in her family to go to college. (Her cousins all went to college after her when they were old enough). For me I understood a bit of what Nina was feeling. On my dad's side my dad was the first one to graduate high school (before my aunt and uncle did) in a long time. And on my mom's side college is important to the family now. I have the weight of graduating high school and college and getting the best grades. Plus since I'm seen as the most mature, responsible and hard-working of my siblings (We're the oldest of our cousins) I have the most pressure put on me.
No one is worried about me but I'm worried that I won't even be able to pass high school. I currently feel like a disappointment. I want to get the best grades and graduate high school and go to college but I don't know if I can. I'm grateful that I have these opportunities and I'm grateful I didn't have to experience what my parents did. My dad was told that he would be just like his parents and my mom didn't pursue her dream job for 20-something years because she got married (she went to school and was a teacher instead and now she's a therapist). I feel so little next to them.
Okay Breathe rant over.
The lines "I am the one that made it out" and "They aren't worried about me.", "She was just here." And more that I can't remember gave me chills. The movie just made me emotional. :)

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