2020 Season

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So yesterday at 7:10 my community theatre had a Gala. My cast and I sang two songs from A Christmas Story. The gala was to give away prizes, be fancy, drink alcoholic beverages and to announce the 2020 season. Some of the kids bought tickets and some just came to sing. I just came to sing.
So on Thursday is when we rehearsed what we were going to do but my mom was at school and had keys to both our vehicles so my dad couldn't take me. So at the Gala I didn't know what to do. I followed some kids and they went backstage. We were supposed to come from the back of the house so when it was time, the kids backstage ran to the back of the house, through the aisle and on the stairs. I just stood by a boy playing a bully because I didn't know where to go. We were late to standing on the stairs. I stood out because I look taller than everyone in the row. We sang and I think my expressions were good. I went to the room we meet before singing and everyone else was out not doing what we're suppose to do. I had an awkward experience with a trans guy (Edit: Idk why that's relevant) I like who I've interacted with off and on for six years. We don't really interact anymore. I liked him even before he knew his true self and when I figured out I was Bi. (I though I was bi but I figured out I was Pan) Anyways that was horrible.
We are not ready for the Christmas shows. The directors are going to go hardcore on us. The artist director wrote a very harsh speech on Facebook. It isn't our faults the directors aren't doing a good job. I promise I'm not being dramatic, my mom said that she never wants them to be my director again. Wish me luck!

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