Zip Zap Zoop

12 1 0

It has finally happened...I have finally played Zip Zap Zoop. Yes, my school is in-person but unlike some of y'all (which is insane because mobs of people) we have to wear mask inside which is GOOD. I don't want to risk getting Covid.
Anyways, drama 2/intermediate drama (I did almost all of drama 1/ beginning drama in quarantine) has been pretty good. We've played a lot of games and have only been in school since August 12th so that's fun.
The game of Zip, Zap, Zoop was pretty intense. We had to have two winners because they just kept going back and forth. The poor TAs (Junior and Seniors that help out with the class even if they are one or two years older than us) wanted to be done with the chaos for the day. I enjoy the in-person games but it definitely pushed my comfort zone. I don't want to be in a high-pressure situation with the people I admire.
I am writing this at 1 am because I apparently never get to sleep so I hope you enjoy whatever this is. Goodnight/Buenas noches!

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