Zombie Prom

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Okay, today I saw my "cousin" in Zombie Prom. The reason why I put the " " is because he isn't my real cousin and neither are his two sisters but we treat them like they are. He is my favorite male cousin. Anyways it was amazing, best I've ever seen since I haven't found good ones on YouTube. Jonny was played by a girl and my mom said that they should of cast a guy or a girl who looks more like a guy. I thought that she did amazing! Eddie Flagrante was also played by a girl and she also did an amazing job. Everybody did an amazing job! My cousin was the youngest and shortest in the cast so that made me laugh. (He's in 7th grade, second youngest is in 8th grade. There are two college students and the rest were highschoolers) This high school girl was holding onto his arm at one point. Then later I think the same girl was slow dancing with him. The only thing that I would say is to warn the audience that the actors are walking in the aisles a little bit. Oh and these people bowed then motioned to the techies and then the audience. We don't do this at my community theatre!
I don't know but two things. One, my cousin was adorable in this and his picture in the playbill is so cheesy. Two, I want to move to a different community theatre but I can't. :(

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