chapter 13

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*Katies POV*

Soon me and louis left the restaurant and we came to his flat. Louis looked like we was worried about something "hey louis umm are you okay?" i asked "um katie can i tell you something?" he said "yeah you can tell me anything" i said "uh me and zayn kinda switched dates" he mumbled the last part "you what" i said a little confused "yeah i was supposed to be Caitlyn's date and you were supposed to be zayns are you mad?" he said "no I'm not mad you seem like a nice guy though do you want me to call caitlyn??" he nodded his head i called her and she said that zayn told her the same thing and that he got mad at louis for even switching and that he knew who was who but i don't know what just happened so now I'm going to zayn's flat.

Once i got there i was greeted by zayn "hey" he said "hey" i said smiling "so do you wanna come in?" he said as i walked in He has a nice place "umm wanna watch a movie??" i said "yeah sure just make yourself feel at home get comfortable and I'll be right back" he said i nodded and sat down.

*Jades POV*

"Oh my god why do planes have to be so damn slow" i said winning me and jack were waiting for the boys to come back from tour "it didn't feel that long of a flight" i heard a familiar voice from behind me. I turned around and it was the boys i ran over to them and hugged them all when i got to Ashton i hugged him the longest "okay love birds we have to get going" Michael said "we're not dating we're just friends" Ashton said  "ssoooooo did you guys have fun" i said trying to change subjects "yes tons and we better get going before we get mobbed" Luke said they got that big that fast...oh that sounded weird "jade c'mon" Ashton said and i followed them to the van i grabbed my phone and put on this news app for bands and all that. I scrolled down and stopped on one it said Zayn malik and Louis Tomlinson new dates after going on tour with new pop boy band named 5 seconds of summer "there not a boy band damnit" i said "um jade are you okay" calum asked "did i say that out loud" they nodded "aha oops" and i went back to reading Louis Tomlinson and Zayn Malik Switched Dates?? "Hey um did louis or zayn say anything about having girlfriends??" i asked "no all we knew was that they were going on dates nothing about making it official tho" luke said hmmm... "Soo have you guys met any cute fans" i said "nope" Ashton, Luke and Mikey said "cal" i said "oh uhh yeah i have" he said keeping his eyes on his screen while he was texting away. I got up and took it from him "heyy give it back" he said reaching for his phone "oohhh calum has a girlfriend" i said teasing him as i read the text messages "no i don't now give me my phone" he said "OHH WHATS HER NAME" Michael said wanting to join the fun "her name is Claire" i said "LOOK WERE JUST FRIENDS OK" He said "surree you are" luke and ashton said "he wouldn't shut up about her i swear he almost drove my head off the plane on the way back" Ashton said by then Calum was begging for his phone back so i gave it to him.

A/N hello lovlies yeah its been awhile like i said slow updates anywho do you think that cal has a thing for claire.and what do think about that whole switched dates thingy???

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