Chapter 3 pt 2

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Ashtons POV

After for what seemed like forever we finally left. The girl who was standing there she kept staring at me every once in awhile she was really pretty but shes way out of my leauge. "Earth to Ashton are you in there" my brother said waving his hand infront of my face I smaked his hand from infront of my face "what" i said "do you want to go to the movies with me and Jack?" He asked I said no because I told my mom that I would show the new girl around.... Wow I gotta stop calling her the new girl. I got up from were I was sitting and grabbed my phone and walked outside to the new girls house and knocked on their door the girl from yesterday answered the door "ello, wait arent you the guy from yesterday who brought us the cake?" She said "yes and i- " she cut me off "oh! the plate give me one sec!" She said I waited after like a minute or two she came back with our plate I took the plate and said thank you she lookes like she was going somewhere "oh um did you need something?" She asked "I was going to ask if you needed someone to show you around town? But you look like your going somewhere so" I said she chuckled "what?" I asked "huh?" She said "why are you laughin" i replied with a confused expression on my face "I was just about to go explore the town and learn my way around" she said "well do you want some company while exploring?" I said smiling "if you dont mind" she said "I dont mind" I chuckled, she ran to go grab her jacket she came back down and we walked around for a bit. "so... Um i never got your name" i said breaking the silence between us "oh im sorry my name is Jade, Jade Beckem" she said "well Jade im Ashton,Ashton Irwin" i said smiling.

A/N Hello my little minions haha i wont be able to post this sunday:( ik its sad but ill try to post tomarrow HAVE A GREAT WEEKEND I hope it doesnt suck byee!! XXx~Jena

Jack *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now