chapter 7

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Jades POV

"Louis said that there is a record label that wants to sign us!" Ashton said i looked at the boys then i started screaming "Your shitting me right?" I said "no I'm not and their coming here so they can go over all of the details with us" Ashton said "wait when?!?" Luke asked "whenever they get the tickets to fly here" i said "okay well ill just leave you guys to clean everything while i go home" i said i didn't want to tell them that i was going home to fan girl my ass off because that's weird and that i love one direction oh my god there coming here to Australia "hello anyone in there?" Calum said waving his hand in front of my face "huh? What?" I said very confused "why are you leaving?" Michael said "so you guys can clean up and get everything ready for when they come" i said "oh no your coming with us" Ashton said they just wanna see me freak out don't they "ugh okay well i have to  get home anyways its almost time for dinner and I've been gone all day" i said grabbing my stuff "Okay well bye" the boys said i put on my jacket and left I looked both ways before crossing so i don't get hit by a car and its also dark outside and i really don't wanna get hit by a car. I opened the door to my house and went up to my room picked out my outfit for tomorrow and went to bed i didn't mind changing because i was already in some sweats and a t-shirt. I slowly drifted to sleep while staring at the blank ceiling

*Ashton's POV*

"Ashton wake up your phone has been ringing from some dude named Louis he said he's from one direction but I don't believe it because why would Louis be calling you how would he have your number?"  i woke up to the sound of my brother rambling "5 more minutes please!" I said i better get up before he literally drags too late. He grabbed my legs and pulled me out of bed with all of his strength and i plopped onto the floor "GET UP!! it's already 11:30 and your phone is blowing up" he said "i was going to get up and who was calling ?" i replied getting up "sure you were and some guy named Louis he said that he would meet up with you later today at a starbucks" i nodded and i grabbed my phone then he walked out of my room so i could change. i started looking for my shirt then i remembered that it was in the wash so then i looked in my closet for another shirt then my phone started vibrating i went over to my side table and saw that everyone was texting me telling me they were gonna be here today.

calx: dude where are you! We have to be at Starbucks in 30!!

Mikey×: we have 30 minutes!! were r u ?!?

Lukex: hurry up man we have like 24min

Jadexx: Hey get your ass up you have a meeting in like 25min ok HURRY UP!!

I replied to all of them put on a shirt slipped on my jeans and shoes and left

*at Starbucks still Ashton's POV*

"Its so nice to meet you guys" i said shaking their hands 

"yeah we all just wanna thank you for this opportunity your giving us" Luke said i looked over at Jade and she looks like she was gonna burst in excitement "so who's this lovely lady?" Harry said i looked at him and at her she was blushing "stop flirting with the lady's now harry" Louis elbowed harry "OW! what was that for?!?" He said "you have a girlfriend be the name of Amy remember!" He said he looks down and rubs his arm "her name is jade" i said chuckling "well nice to meet you jade are you dating one of the boys?" Liam said i looked at her i could tell she was about to explode "ugh no just really good friends with them" she said trying to hold whatever was about to come out in.
"Oh well it's nice to meet you jade and I hope you don't mind if I ask but where are you from?" Liam said I think he noticed my accent was like his and not Australian "I'm from Bradford" I said and I seen zayn look up "I thought you looked familiar we had some classes together right?" He said I nodded smiling I can't believe he remembers me.

A/N Hiiiiiii ok Harrys taken hehe by Amy as you can read you can follow her on ig if you want :) @amy_mccaskill when do you think Jade will expload?? Hmmm??... I wonder DONT STOP DOIN CUZ U KNOW THAT I LIKE IT (curently listening to this song rn:p) Mkay Biey

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