Chapter 8

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*Jades POV*

I was trying so hard not to start fangirling in front of the boys but i could tell it wasn't working by the way Ashton Was looking at me "excuse me I'm gonna go use the bathroom real quick" i said they all nodded and i got up and went into the bathroom and i just let it out in there but very quietly so no one could hear me fan girl in the bathroom. Okay so I've been a fan of one direction since day one and oh my god i finally get to meet them AHHH this is like a dream come true ever since i was like 14 and oh my god i cant breath and people are starting to look at me weird. (Just imagine her jumping up and down like an exited puppy lol) I walked out of the bathroom at least a little calm and less fan girl in my system "okay so you'll be our opening act for our Take Me Home tour" the boys got these big smiles on their faces and so did I the Interview was over and everyone started to leave "hey guys wait up" Liam said "yeah" Ashton said "umm we just wanted to know if you know any hotels because our manager was sick and nobody found one" Liam replied I remembered that I had two guest rooms available Ashton took out his phone to search up hotels " umm i have two guest rooms that you guys can use" i said and i really didn't think this over. "You do" Liam said Ashton looked up he looked confused "ash you don't need to look up hotels anymore and yes i do" i said "good because i couldn't find one anyways" he said i chuckled and gave Liam my address and left when i got home i told my mom what happened "so you basically told a really famous boy band that they can stay here for a few days because the couldn't find a hotel?" my mom said i nodded my head she couldn't say no to this because i told her that i told them that they could and she doesn't like being the bad guy. I went up to my room and changed into some plad bottoms and a grey T-shirt and went down stairs. I heard the door bell ring so i ran to the door and opened it and saw that it was the boys but there was only 4 of them "hey guys come in" I said "hello Jade uuh nice PJs" Louis said laughing "thanks?" i said laughing a little, my mom came down stairs and welcomed the boys "hello I'm Jade's mum Kristine and jade i thought you said there was five of them" she said "i did wait where's harry?" i said "oh Harry's girlfriend Amy lives here and so he just stayed with her" Niall said my mom just nodded her head "oh okay well at least you guys will have more space in your rooms" she said as she showed the boys to their rooms me and my sister where stuck carrying their luggage lucky us.

We finally Got all of their stuff into their rooms and of course Niall's had to be the heaviest "Damn niall what did you pack rocks" my sister said me and Liam chuckled as i handed Liam his bag "no i just packed extra things that's all" he said "what ever" she replied as we both walked out of the room.

A/N hey guys!! sorry i haven't updated in a while ill try to make it up and i hoped you liked this chapter and sorry if it was a bit long and i still need gfs for luke mikey cal liam and niall :) hope you have a great day!!!!

Jack *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now