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Ashton's POV

She took my hand and took me into a random room and closed the door "so what do i-" she cut me off by kissing me roughly. I broke the kiss She gave me a pouty face when I did "I never got your name"I said "its Brianna" she said "well Briana let's get back to what we were doing" I said kissing her once again.

*The next morning*

I woke up with a pounding headache and then I felt something warm beside me. I looked to see a girl and to be honest I don't remember a thing that happened last night. I can obviously see we did something but whatever, I moved her arm off me and I got up so I could get dressed and leave. After I got dressed I grabbed my keys and left. I walk to my car open the door, I started the engine and drove away.

  Once I got home I immediately grabbed some aspirin from the bathroom cupboard and drank some water to wash it down. I walk to the bathroom grab my toothbrush and I  quickly brush my teeth so i loose the smell of alcohol in my mouth and i go downstairs. "Hey Ashton where were you?" Harry said "out with jack I had to drop off some clothes" I lied. "It took you all night to drop off some clothes" he sarcastically replied "hey it was late and I was tired ok and he didn't mind so". I stated while going into the kitchen. I grab the bread from the cabinet and I start making some toast.

Omfg its been like 3 years since I've updated I'm so sorry I've been so dead holy and I'm this chapter is short asf I just didn't want to write since it's really late and I'm tired and can't sleep any who




And sorry for being dead
I'll update soon as I can again

Jack *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now