love you goodbye

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Ashton's POV

I grabbed my toast and some orange juice and I sat down at the kitchen table. Once I sit down someone rings the doorbell, I groan and I go to open the door.I stare at who is in front of me. I didn't have any words to say I wanted to slam the door in her face but I didn't. "Hey Ashton I just wanted to come over and talk about what happened the other day." I almost walked away but she grabbed my hand "I didn't know that you would have gotten that upset. Plus we weren't even a thing yet and I didn't think it be that important to bring up and plus it was only one time- " I cut her off "I DONT REALLY CARE ABOUT HOW MANY TIMES OK ITS THE FACT THAT YOU GUYS EVEN DID ANYTHING OK HE KNEW I HAD A THING FOR YOU." I shouted she just looked at me she looked like she was about to cry.we stood there for a minute or 2 in silence. "I told him it was a bad idea. I said we shouldn't be doing this especially behind your back because I knew you would get mad and I came over here just to say sorry and i'd hope we'd get p-past this but I don't think we ever w-will." she started crying harder as she stumbled threw her words. "Jade, I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I've made you feel this way ok I let the anger and jealousy get the best of me and I'm not proud of that I'm not proud of the fact that I made you cry or if I hurt you and I'm truly sorry." I said trying to hold back the tears. "I um i have to go" I tried to stop her but she just kept walking.

Jade's POV

"I um i have to go" i said Ashton tried to stop me but I didn't let him I just kept walking I don't know where to but I'm going. I wish I never even kissed jack he just ruined everything I had hoped for I wish I had never moved here. I though I had came here for a new beginning but I just made everything worse for me and them. "Jade please...I'm sorry" his voice trailed off I could hear the sobs coming from him as I walked away. I stopped and I looked behind me and I seen him look at me. He looked hurt like I've just torn his heart out and stomped on it. I mouthed I'm sorry and I kept walking.

Hey guys this is the last chapter I'm sorry I might continue it in the future but for now I'm not like I said before I lost all inspiration for it and its just all over the place and I don't really like it I kind of made the main character seem like a hoe  and I honestly don't know how that happened. I'm making 2 other fanfics if you want to read those :))- Jenna

Jack *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now