Oh shower opera

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*jades POV*

I woke up to feeling an arm around me I look over to see a peaceful looking ashton. He looked so cute when he sleeps. He started to open his eyes a bit he smiled when he saw me "well good morning " he said a bit tired "goodmorning" i said smiling "hey jade weres the food?" michael "har har Michael very funny" I said yawning Michael walked out and had just made himself a bowl of cereal and to be honest it was the weekend and i really don't wanna go back to school cus' then i have to deal with all the drama and I Dont like drama and UGH "hey you ok?" Oops I forgot he was in here "yeah I'm fine I just have a test tomorrow that I Dont wanna do"
He nodded and got up and he walked into the hallway.
As for me I got up and went to my drawer and picked out a cute outfit some chucks my favorite nirvana crop top and some jeans. I grabbed my phone and a towel and I got in the shower. The music started and my favorite song came on by the boys which was gotta get out . I started to hum to the song but then it came out to singing which I didn't realize I was doing until I heard the boys outside the door "jade are you singing?" Luke said "uhh..no" i lied. "Cmon jade you Dont have to lie you have a great voice ok" ashton said this isn't awkward At all.... "can you guys give me a sec to get out of the shower" i said rinsing my hair "ok but we will continue this conversation" ashton yelled "whatever" i replied i finished washing my hair and got out.

i put my clothes on and walked out the bathroom to find the boys sitting on my bed "ur seriously not over this" i said putting my clothes in the dirty bin "no im not ok you are an amazing singer but you just dont admit it" ashton said the boys all nodded there heads "you are a really good singer though" calum added "no im not now can i clean my room" i said " ok but you cant just give up on a talent like that" michael said "well i have prioritys to take care of like school" i said"well you could just drop our and join a band" ashton said winking at me " well not everyone can afford to drop out of school ashton" i added "ok then have it your way" he said walking out of my room.

you know sometimes that boy could be really stubborn sometimes and it drives me insane.

*2 Hours later*

"but im to lazy to get up though you do it" i said me, ashton, luke and micheal were watching a movie while calum was on a date with his new lady friend claire." UGH fine but you owe me" ashton complained we were fighting who should get up and get more popcorn but he finaly gave in (i always get my way) he finaly came back with the popcorn.the movie finaly ended i looked to find ashton so i could see what i owed him i got up and went to the kitchen and got a glass of water. i walked out of the kitchen and i felt a hand grab onto me i looked over and it was ashton " hey it was looking for yo-" he cut me off by kissing me. ive never felt more fireworks in a kiss before. he soon broke the kiss "ive waited so long to do that" ashton said "me too" i said smiling "follow me" he whispered in my ear i grabbed his hand as soon as we got into the room he pushed me on the bed and he pulled me on his lap and he had a little make out session. i broke the kiss so i could breath a little "jade can i tell you something?" Ashton asked " yeah " i said " will you be my girlfriend?" he asked i nodded he smiled and kissed me one last time

A/N heyy guys sorry for the long wait it kinda took me awhile to write this chapter bc im moving in like a month and im like in the middle of packing but yeah slow updates but once i get moved i promise i will do more updates and yeahhhhh ok thank you guys for reading i hope you guys like the story so far




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ily :) <3

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