chapter 12

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*Jades pov*

2 weeks later

i bet your wondering what happened during these last few weeks... and let me tell you there was alot of fighting involved between zayn and louis but it then got taken care of and now there back to being the best mates they were.

*katies POV* ( oohh new pov)

I was getting ready to go on my 'blind' date with some guy that my best friend Caitlyn set up for me i think his name was Louis or something i don't know. "oh my god Katie can you be any slower we were supposed to be there at 3:30 it's 2:50 com'on" she yelled we have time i don't know what she's complaining about. i quickly put my shoes on and grabbed my wallet and we left." so what does this louis guy look like" i asked her "do you know that one band named one direction?" she said "yeah.. wait so we are going on dates with 2 guys from a really famous band" i said shocked she nodded her head by then we were already walking in the restaurant we quickly found louis and zayn they looked over toward us and got up "hello you guys must be Katie and Caitlyn" louis said "yep um I'm katie and this is caitlyn" i said a bit shy "well i think  you guys know who we are so lets go get some food" zayn said louis had walked up to a chair and pulled it out for me "thank you" i said politely he just smiled and sat down zayn did the same for caitlyn we all order our food. i ordered chicken Pennine caitlyn ordered spaghetti and zayn and louis ordered the same thing they had this French thing i don't know it had some type of fish in it. we had a little conversation in between eating they seem really nice. "okay so are we ready to go?" louis said looking at me "um yeah" i said zayn and caitlyn had left

A/n heyy sorry for tainking so long ik cliff hanger sorry but there will be slow updates soo yeah heads up love you guys thanks for reading.hope you enjoy pls vote thanks mwahhh

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