forgive and forget

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Ashton's POV

Its been 3 days since that whole incident with jack and jade happened. Why would he do that to me if he knew I liked her I just don't understand. I just need to forget about her and take a breather for awhile. I got up and walked out my room and looked out the window that was by the living room. I missed her touch 'ash stop ur sounding like ur in a chic flick movie that's not punk rock' I said to myself. I looked at the clock it was 9:30 pm everyone is either asleep or watching a film in the family room. I'm gonna go have some fun tonight I mean I'm on break and its not long til we go back on tour. And plus we have to start working on our first album. I grabbed my keys and started heading out for the door "Ash sweety where are you going at this time of night?" I heard my mom call out from the couch its like she has eyes on the back of her head "jack said he needed his stuff back from when he stayed over" I lied. "Oh ok don't be long its dark out and I don't want you getting hurt" she said "yeah I might stay over at his anyway" no not really I'm just gonna go to that party I was invited to."OK bye love you" she said "you too" after that I walked out the door and hopped into my car.

At the party

You could hear the loud music from a block away you could tell that i wasn't that far from the party. When I got there I was hit by the smell of body sweat, perfume and alcohol. I made my way to go get a drink. I bumped into some people here and there.I finally got there and grabbed a cup. And I looked for the actual drink itself. I looked over to see a blond holding it in her hands and drinking the alcohol out of the bottle.she was wearing a tight red crop top and some black shorts and to be honest she was smoking."Hey do you mind sharing that?" I shouted over the music she looked at me with a confused drunk look on her face "what? I can't hear you" she shouted "I said do you mind sharing that?" I repeated. She nodded gave me the bottle of alcohol. "You owe me now" she whispered in my ear. Oh ok.

Heyy guys yeah I finally updated yaay hope you like this chapter. I wonder what the blond wants him to do oohhh I wonder who the blonde is so many questions un answered.





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