Chapter 6

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*Jade's POV*

"Jade pick a song" ashton said "umm how bout Spaces?" I said unsure about what they would say about the song "by One Direction?" Michael said at least i think it was. Im still learning names ok. They all looked at eathother then at me "ok" they all said at the same time they searched up the lyrics and notes for the song and started singing

C: Who's gonna be the
first one to
start the fight

who's gonna be the first
one to fall asleep
at night

L: Who's gonna be the
last one to drive away

Who's gonna be the last
One to forget this

M: We keep taking turns
oohh aoohh aooh
Will we ever learn

All: Ooohhh spaces between us
keep getting deeper
Its harder to
reach her even
Though i try

Spaces between us
hold all our secrets
Leavin her speachless
and i dont know why

M: Who's gonna be the first
to say goodbye

A: Who's gonna be
The first one
to cut from ice

Who's gonna be
The first to set it
all on fire

L:Who's gonna be
the last one to drive away
Forgettin every single
promise we ever made

All: Ohhh spaces between us
Keep getting deeper
its harder to reach
her even though
i try spaces
between us hold all
our secrets

Leavin her speachless
And i dont know

M: who's gonna
Be the first to
say goodbye

We keep taking turns
will we ever learn
when will we learn

All: Oohh spaces between us
keep getting deeper
Its harder to reach her
Even though i try
spaces between us
hold all our secrets

Leavin her speachless
and i dont know why

L: who's gonna be the
First to say

who's gonna be the
first to say

A&C: Spaces between us
The spaces between us.....

They stopped singing "wow you guys are amazing did you guys ever think about putting yourselves on youtube?" I said "we have but we only had like 10 views so were not getting anywhere anytime soon" luke said as I pulled out my phone from my pocket and went on youtube "what is the name of your band?" I said not looking up from my phone "uhh 5 seconds of summer why?" Calum asked i typed it in "what song did you cover?" I said looking at the videos "i miss you by blink 182" ashton said walking towards me i clicked on the video and looked at the veiws 10k veiws " more like 10 thousand" I said standing up I showed them the views and all of their mouths dropped to the ground "your shitting me" luke said "DONT FUCKING SWEAR LUCAS!" ashton said me and calum laughed michael was still shocked on how many veiws they got on their video I gotta say I wasn't suprised they were really good.

*1 Month Later*

*Ashtons POV*

*Bzzzzz Bzzzzzzz*
my phone started ringing I picked it up and looked who was calling Unknown number i answerd it anyways "hello?" I said "hello um is this Ashton?" A guy said I recognized his voice "yeah can I ask who's calling?" I said "this is Louis Tomlinson I was just calling because me and my mate niall heard your cover of a song on youtube" he said I was so shocked that couldn't talk "hello is anyone there?" louis said "oh sorry i was just shocked that you found my num- how did you get my number??" I said "i have my ways, I was just wondering if we could meet up? I told some record lables about you and showed them a few of your videos and they said that they would sign you guys and you guys have alot of potential and I do too if i do say so myself" he finished "yeah sure were would you like to meet up?" I said standing up looking for a pen and paper "yes for sure me and the boys will fly down to australia to meet up with you" He asked "ok great I'll tell the boys" I said as we both hung up I turned around to see jade calum luke and michael standing in the door way "tell us what?" Michael said "ONE DIRECTION WANTS TO SIGN US!!" I said we all jumped around in excitement I looked at jade she had a confused look on her face "how could one direction sign you their a band" she said "louis said that there was a record lable that wanted to sign us" I said making it clear for her to understand.

A/N heyyyoooo i added a little suprise to this chapter you like and i think i fangirled a little while writing this chapter but whatevs hope it didnt suck byyeee luv ya :* ~Jenna

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