Secrets lies and Drama

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*Harrys POV*

"Hey Amy what do you want to do tonight?" i asked "i dont know wanna go to louis flat and hang with him and niall?" She replied walking towards me. I nodded and she went to go put her shoes on while i went to go start the car. Two minutes later she came out and we left.
*at louis flat*
We walked in to see louis on the floor alnost in tears and niall walking back and forth not knowin whats wrong with louis "Niall what happened" Amy said "zayn happened" louis said "im confused" i said " zayn told louis a bunch of rubish and that naughty boy guy is getting on everyones nerves"niall said "wait the guy who the girls keep calling chicken nugget?" Amy said "haha yeah and apparently he started the fight and louis tried to defend liam for somthing i guess i dont know its a long story" Niall said "ill be right back" i said "wh-where are you g-going?" louis said "just out side i need to call someone" i replied i walked outside and dialed zayns number "hey bro whats up" he said "what is your problem zayn" i said "im conf-" "zayn i dont know what your problem is ok but you need to keep that little producer of yours under control you know how louis feels about his voice!" im just so done with all of this drama and everyone fighting I know everyone is still a little caught up in zayns drama but he doesn't have to come at his best mate like that. I understand everyone is frustrated and sad and upset but hey nobody's perfect and the girls understand that and that's why they Are the best fans

A/n hey guys ik this chapter was suuuppperr short and im sorry for that but hey i hope you like it anyways but i had really bad writers block for a few days soo yeah





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