chapter 10

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A/n just so you know this chapter is a little smutty just skip through it if you don't like it plus cringe asf

*jacks pov*

I woke up from my nap to my phone ringing

I picked it up to see jade calling me

"Hey jade whats up"i said yawning a bit

"Nothing much how about you" she said

"Same, uh may i ask why your calling me??"

"Oh yeah i just wanted to see if you wanted to hang out, you know because i just moved here and we don't really talk as much" she said she sounded really unsure of herself

"Uhh, yeah sure i guess. Do you want to meet up some were or?"


We both agreed on Starbucks and hung up. I got up from my bed and got in the shower to get ready.

*Jades POV*

I felt a little weird calling Jack i mean yeah he's Ashton's Best friend and i just wanna get to know him because if Ashton were to like invite him to something it wouldn't be awkward because we would have something to talk about.

I got my clothes and got in the shower, after i got out of the shower i got dressed. I put some jeans and my Nirvana shirt on and did my hair. I grabbed my phone to receive a text from jack.

Jack: hey ill be at Starbucks in about 10min.

I texted him back and grabbed my keys and left. Since that message was like 5 minutes ago i only had 5 minutes to get there. When i got to Starbucks i could see jack sitting at a table with two coffees. I walked over to him "hey is anyone sitting here?" i said. Chuckling "nope"he said "so how are you jack?" i asked sitting down "not bad how about you" he said "I'm good, do you wanna like just walk around the mall so we don't just sit here like a couple of creeps?" i said he nodded and we left.

*2 hours later*

"So what do you wanna do now?" jack said "umm... Do you wanna watch a movie?" i said "sure yours or mine?" he said "uh my parents are home and they don't really know you so..." i said "ahh and your parents are really over protective?"he said i nodded and we got into his car and drove to his place. Once we got there we went in and he went to go find some movies "okay so i have para-" i cut him off "paranormal activity" i said "wow I've never seen a girl so excited to watch a scary movie" he said and put it in. i love that movie its one of my favorites I've watched all of them like 4 times.

It was towards the middle of the movie i felt jacks hand snake around my waist as he started to plant kisses on my neck "jack." i said "what" he said still kissing me "what are you doing" after that he had flipped us so that he was on top of me and i looked into his eyes they were full of lust. I gotta say this was pretty hot. "Jade i want you....i need you." he said next thing you know he leaned in and i leaned in and ...lets say things started to get a little 'heated'. I tugged on his coller so he can take it off. He threw his shirt it on the floor as I took mine off. I bit my lip as i stared at his perfectly toned abs jack looks down at my hand and smirked. he leaned down and kissed me again but this time it was rough but passionate at the same time. I kissed him back. I reached down to his pants and try to unbuckle them jack notices that I'm having a bit of trouble so he helps me. And all were left in is our underwear. Jack nibbles and kisses my neck he soon finds my sweet spot and sucks on it. I moan i can feel him smiling as he notices what he's doing to me. His hands goes around me and unbuckles my bra and throws it in the pile of clothes we made. he kisses me again and he takes his briefs off and slowly enters me.

*2 hours later*

*jacks pov*

I woke up with someone in my arms and all the memories from earlier rushed back and what had happened with me and jade. i smiled "what are you smiling about?" jade said "nothing just thinking about earlier" i said smirking she smiled and kissed me "what time is it?" she said i looked at my clock "5:30" i replied "i better get going before my parents start to get worried and wondering were i am" she said i really didn't want her to go. I nodded and waited for her to put her clothes on. After she finished i drove her home. The drive was silent.

*jades pov*

The car ride was silent the whole way. We had finally arrived to my flat. "Bye i had a great time with you" i said smiling "you too darling" he said i pecked his lips and left.

*the next day*

Last night i was thinking about Ashton and whether i had feelings for him or not and then i thought about what happened between me and jack. And i don't know, i like Ashton A lot, because he is laid back, sweet, hot, and he is really caring and sometimes he can be a little Pervy but everyone has a pervy side to them you know. And jack he is really hot,care free sweet and is a total bad boy but in a good way and i just really don't know......

Hello my pretties i hope this chapter didnt suck sorry it took so long to update but here it is and thank you soo much for the 104 reads i really didnt expect this many reads and im just really hoping that you guys like it and a special shoutout to my good friend MeganBranum14 shes also writing a zayn fanfic if ya wanna read it feel free its called a zayn malik love story mkay
Vote thanks byyyeee love ya

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