Forever And Always

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*Ashtons POV*

"so will you be my girlfriend?" I asked she nodded her head and she kissed me again. I really liked jade and I hope she likes me the way I do. I've never liked somebody In this way I've been in love but when I'm with her its different."so its official huh" I we brake the kiss and look over too see jack standing in the door way "yeah" I said smiling "oh ok well I'm guessing jade told you" jack said I looked over at Jade a little confused " Jade what is he talking about" I said she had a guilty look on her face "Jade" I said "oh so she didn't tell you...oops" jack said "what are you talking about" I said standing up "um well uh me and uh m-me and jack had this thing going on while you were gone but that was way before I knew that I had feelings for you" she said "wait so you two were a thing when I was on tour?!?" Jade looked like she was about to cry and jack was on the verge of laughing. "no it was more like a friends with benefits kinda thing" jack said "I'm the one who wanted to st-" jade said I cut her off "you knew that I liked her jack I TOLD YOU THAT I LIKED HER jade why would you do this if you liked me? If you like him so much then why don't you just go out with him" I said I walked out slaming the door behind me why would she say she wanted to be with me if she had sex with him.

And jack I told him that I liked her and he just had to ruin it like he always does.

*Jade's POV*
I was already crying by the time Ashton left "why are you crying I know you didn't like him back" jack said "yes I do ok it was a one time thing I knew that I shouldn't of done it ok" I said "I was just testing you jade" he said walking over to me "OH SO TESTING ME IS WHEN YOU COME UP TO ME SAYING THAT YOU NEED ME AND THAT HE'LL NEVER KNOW CUZ ITS SURE TOO DAMN LATE FOR THAT JACK" I shouted how is having sex with me testing me and we've only did it three times the third time was just making out i and I promised myself that I wouldn't do it again and I didn't. "oh so its my fault too huh?" He said "no I'm not saying it was your fault because its both our faults ok but it was my mistake to even let you drag me into doing it." I said getting up, I grabbed my bag and walked out. I started walking into town, I stopped.


That night I went home in tears.
I couldn't keep having sex with Jack and he was ashtons best friend and I don't want to hurt him. Over the past few months that I've been in Australia has been great but horrible at the same time because I've been trying to hide feelings that I just can't hide anymore and the feelings are just to overwhelming for me and I just don't know anymore I like jack as much as I like Ashton but I just don't know who to choose and it hurts me to think that I would hurt Ashton he's just too sweet and nice for me to do that to him but I've already slept with his best friend twice I just can't

*flash back over*
I thought about what was going through my head that night I keep breaking promises that I can't keep how could someone trust me if I Cant trust myself.

     Hello loves, ik I finally updated it's a miracle haha I've just been buysy with moving and all that jazz soooo yeah hope you liked this chapter I've added some drama in but yeah I'm just going to be going through the chapters and editing them just to make them make sense lol ok anyways have a good day





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