more than friends

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Jades POV

Its been two days since the boys have been on break we haven't done much besides go to the mall then having to come home because we were being trampled by fans and we watched movies and ate pizza.

"Hey Jade me and cal are gonna go to the movies wanna come?" ashton said my phone buzzed "yeah sure just give me a sec" i said. I looked at my phone to see Jack calling me. When i read his name on the screen all the memories came flushing back in my head


"Jade he will never know it will just be our little secret ok" Jack said "yeah but then I would have to live with the guilt of it i can't do this to him you know he doesnt want me going out with you  and YOU know that" I said getting up. that night i went home in tears.

    *Flashback over*

"Jade" i heard calum calling my name i noticed that i had tears running down my face "Jade are you ok?" calum asked giving me a hug "yeah im fine" i lied. " jade you know you can tell me anything right?" i nodded i let out a breath that i didnt know that i was holding in.

The drive to the movies was quiet but a good quiet every once in awhile we would jam off to a song that we liked but other than that all music. when we got to the movie theater we waited in line "what movie should we see?" Ashton said "ummm how about mocking jay part one?" I suggested.

We all agreed on that. We got our food and went to go find seats. 'please shut off your phones so it won't desturbe anyone thank you' the screen said we all shut off our phones.

*movie ended*

"what kind if ending was that" ashton said not pleased with the ending of the movie it was ok but bad place to end. "ehh it was ok" calum said we got home to find luke on the couch passed out and mikey playing a game of call of duty "hey guys how was the movie" Michael said "it was good except the end was horrible" ashton said "no it wasn't the ending was fine ok now I'm tired so I'm going to go to bed" I said "night" I heard them all say
I woke up to the feeling of someone on my bed I opened my eyes a little just to see who it was. It was ashton "ashton what are you doing in my room?" I said half awake half asleep... mostly asleep "I felt lonely and I can't sleep"  he pouted "ok then" I said confused and tired "can I sleep with you?" Ashton said "I guess" I said I moved over and closed my eyes. I felt a hand come around my waist I looked over and ashton had put his hand around my waist and to be honest I liked it I felt like I was safe. In his arms. He was warm. He puts his head on the crook of my neck  I moved back and he held me closer. And I slowly drifted to sleep.

Hey guys hope you liked this chapter and like I said there will be slow chapters coming bc I have tons of homework and a project due tomorrow UGH so much work I don't like it. Any who yall should go and read my friend MeganBranum14 story its called A Zayn Malik Love Story bc its amazing ok and I think you'll like it alot ok
Like and vote luv u bye

Jack *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now