chapter 4

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*Jades P.O.V*

"Well Ashton it's nice to meet you" I said as I chuckled "so where do you want to go first?" He said i just looked at him I mean like seriously I Just moved here for pete sake "oh yeah you don't know where anything is you just moved here haha s-sorry" he said. "Well duh and it's ok" I said we both laughed and then into a starbucks i'm guessing at least it looked like it "jade?" Ashton said snapping me out of my thoughts "huh? What?" I said with a confused look on on my face he chuckled." I said do you want something from starbucks?" He said I told him yeah and told him what I wanted. A few minutes later he came back with my drink I thanked him and we walked somewhere else I didn't know where we were I thought it was our neighborhood but it wasn't we walked up to a house although I still didn't know where we were at. "ashton?" I asked "yup" he said popping the p "uhh where are we?" I asked "at my friends house" he said we waited at the door for awhile then ashton pulled out his phone and called his friend "hey uh were here, yes , a friend, can you at least let us in its cold out here, no, please" he finally hung up and his friend let us in. He was the most beautiful guy I have ever seen. "so what's your friends name Ash?" He asked "oh umm this is Jade, Jade meet Jack, jack, jade" he said "oh so Mr.Beautiful has a name" and it fits him perfectly "what?" Ashton says shit I said that out loud "uh-its nice to meet you" i said laughing because I'm an idiot. "well Jade it's nice to meet you" he said smiling as he held his hand out waiting for me to shake it I held my hand and he grabbed it and pulled me into a hug to be honest he is a very good hugger. "Well nice to meet you to." He had a weird facial expresion I laughed a little "what?" Ashton asked "nothin" Jack said "your friend is very pretty" he said ashton smiled "I know and don't get any ideas jack" ashton said looking at me then at jack I just stood there awkwardly blushing. "So Jade where are you from?" Jack said we all walked into the living room it was very neat and everything was in its place. He has a very nice home. "Well I grew up in a small town called Bradford in England.." I said but I was cut off by jack "so thats why you have the weird accent. And did you ever live next to that one guy zayn in one direction?" (I put that in there for a friend of qmine :) your welcome) he asked "umm ok and yes I did we went to the same school" I replied "did you guys ever talk" ashton said wanting to know more about my not so interesting life "yea we did we actually had three classes and lunch together" i said "wow" jack said " yeah and how did you guys become friends?" I said they both looked at me weirdly and the looked at eachother and smirked to be honest i was very confused. "Over a girl" ashton said "what?" I said "we became friends while fighting over the most popular girl in school" jack said then they both started laughing ok now i was very confused "you guys became friends by fighing over a girl?" I said they both nodded their heads wow thats intresting.

A/N hello my little cupcakes sorry my last update was supperr short i wrote it at like 7:00 in the morning waiting for my bus and hope you like this chapter do you think that jake will try to get jade? How about Ashton will she fall head over heals for her?? o_O byyyeee love you!!!

Jack *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now