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*Ashtons POV*
I woke up with all the memories fludding back in my head. I notice that i had clenched my hand into a fist. How could he do this he knew i liked her alot. I heard my phone ring so i picked it up i didnt even bother seeing who was calling me.
"Hey umm im really sorry for what happened not only for last night but everything" i could tell it was Jade "Jade why would you have sex with him twice if you knew you liked me." i said "it wasn't intentional i wasn't thinking im sorry ok i will do anything to make it up to you...just please forgive me" Jade said i can hear her start to cry as i try not to. "Look Jade you did hurt me but i do forgive you. You told me that you loved me i dont even know if you are positive on that but i know one thing is for sure is that i love you too ok" i said so much for not crying. I hung up and went to go get in the shower. I turned on the the water and let it run for a while so it could warm up. I put my hand under the water to see it was warm enough. I got in and let the warm water run over my body. The water loosened the tension in my body.I washed my hair and got out.

*Jades POV*
He hung up. I started crying even more i dont think i could trust myself to even look at jack again. I heard a knock on my door i whiped the tears off my face and got up. I opened the door to see my sister "Jade are you ok?" she said "no not really" i said "what happend?" i told her everything that happend in the past week "wow" nicki said "yeah and i cant forgive myself for doing it ive lost my only friends that ive had here ive lost trust with alot of people and we've only been here a month and ive already caused problems i-i just cant do it anymore nicki i j-just cant ok" i told her as i started to break down i could tell that i was having a panic attack so i asked my sister if she could leave she asked if i was going to be ok i nodded and she left. I got up looking for somthing. Something i promised a good freind of mine that i wouldnt do anymore but i cant hold it anymore i just have to.

A/n oohh what do you think she could be talking about??
And sorry if its a little short i was in a rush to make it but i typed half of it in class yesterday but here it is hope you guys like it love you



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