Chapter 40

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November 29th, 2019

Alan still wasn't back yet, I was starting to get worried.

A soft know sounded from the door before the triplets entered. Cayden smiled at me.

"Hi, Mia," he said gently.

"Ciao," I answered.

"How are you feeling?" Calvin asked. I shrugged, forcing a smile.

"I'm doing alright. Where are the rest of your brothers?"

"Right here," Eli said, strolling in. "I had to help Cato wrestle Alan to the car,"

"Is he okay?" I asked worriedly. I knew how bad Alan's temper was.

"Yeah, Cato's fine," Eli said with a grin. I gave him a look.

"I meant Alan,"

"I know. He's just overstressed so Cato took him home to freshen up and calm down a little. He'll be back soon. He'll probably run here if Cato won't drive him back," Eli chuckled. I felt bad.

"I don't want you guys to worry over me. You all can just go home," I told them. Eli shared a glance with the triplets.

"Alan overheard your conversation with your dad," Cayden said slowly. I paled.

"Ben's a bad guy," Colton explained, meeting my eyes sadly. "He ruined our dad's company and killed our parents,"

"Alan recorded the fight. Xander's gonna take it to the police," Calvin informed me. I made a choking sound.

"No! You can't do that!" I cried. "You don't understand! He won't stop until he gets what he wants. Notifying the police will only make it worse. Please, he's going to kill Javi if I don't comply," I begged.

"Mia, we can stop him, and then none of that will happen," Eli reassured me. I shook my head.

"You don't know what he's capable of. He will stop at nothing. If you arrest him he'll just send someone else," I whispered. Eli just frowned.

"We'll see. But we're still staying," I nodded.

"That's fine. Maybe you can cheer up Javi a little. He's still pretty shaken up," Eli glanced around in confusion.

"Where is Javi?" he asked. I pointed beneath my bed.

"He won't come out," Eli nodded and crouched down.

"Hey Kiddo," he said softly. Javi mumbled a small 'ciao' in response. "I know what happened what scary right? Why don't you come on out and we'll do something fun, how does that sound?" I heard scuffling and then Javi flung himself into Eli's arms. I smiled, relieved that he found someone else to trust.

"I think I have cards in my pack," Cayden suggested.

"What do you think?" Eli asked Javi gently. Javi nodded and sprang up. Calvin moved the bedside table over to me and Colton pulled over some chairs while Cayden dug his cards out.

"Let's play Egyptian Ratscrew!" Calvin cried excitedly. Cayden shook his head.

"No, dumbass, that's way too hard for him," Calvin stuck out his tongue at his brother.

"Fine, Spoons,"

"Spoons?" I asked confused. "That's a game?" The triplets were all grinning.

"Yep. We do need actual spoons though," Eli said through laughs.

"I'll go grab some from the cafeteria," Colton offered.

"Will you grab me a pop while you're there?" Calvin asked.

"You always want food," Colton grumbled.

"Technically it's a drink this time," Calvin argued sarcastically. Colton just huffed and left the room.

"So how do you play?" I asked.

"So you start with four cards in your hand. The cards filter through the circle from hand to hand. You're trying to get four of the same number. When you get a match, you take a spoon. If you see somebody else take a spoon, you take a spoon too. The last person without a spoon is out." Eli explained. I nodded slowly, realising Javi was staring at Eli with a lost expression. I quickly turned and explained it to him in our language, and he nodded his head.

Colton came back with a handful of plastic spoons, tossing a can of Sprite to Calvin.

"You better enjoy it," he grumbled. "I had to pay two dollars for that thing," Calvin just rolled his eyes.

"Just play the damn game," he muttered.

"Language," I scolded playfully, covering Javi's ears. He giggled and swiped my hands away.

"Yes ma'am," All four boys chuckled.

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