Chapter 16

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October 22nd, 2019

"I have plans tonight," I told Javi excitedly as we were walking home from school. He blinked at me in surprise.

"Why?" he asked. I had to admit I was a little taken aback by his question.

"Because Papa isn't home tonight," I answered. "My friend asked me to hang out - Alicia's older brother, Neo," Javi nodded.

"Okay," he replied. I paused, glancing into his eyes.

"Javi, if you don't want me to go, I won't," I held his gaze, watching his blue eyes search mine. I could tell he wasn't certain of his answer.

"You can go," he mumbled. "Be fast," I nodded vigorously, taking his little hand in mine.

"Yes, I'll be quick, I promise,"


A loud knock echoed throughout the house, and I raced downstairs to open it. My stomach was filled with butterflies, as I was a little nervous for tonight. Javi was seated at the table, eating the dinner I'd made for him.

I opened the door, revealing Neo standing on the steps. He flashed me a grin.

"Hey, are you ready to go?" I nodded, grabbing my jean jacket from the coat rack.

"Javi, me ne vado adesso, stai fuori dai guai. Torno presto, ti amo," I called to Javi, who smiled back at me attentively. I made sure he locked the door behind us before following Neo outside. I froze when I noticed him walk up to a motorcycle, holding out a helmet. He smirked when he noticed my hesitation.

"Don't tell me you're scared," he teased. I pursed my lips, not wanting to admit it.

"No," I answered defiantly. I took the helmet as he climbed on and started the bike. I positioned myself behind him, loosely wrapping my arms around him. As soon as we were both ready, he took off, and I immediately tightened my hold. I could hear him chuckling over all of the noise, but I didn't mind.


"You brought me to an amusement park?" she asked, staring up at the park signs. Her beautiful green eyes were lit up with excitement.

"Yeah," I answered. "Do you like it?" I panicked for a moment, thinking she would suddenly hate the idea but she replied with an enthusiastic 'yes' and I relaxed.

"I've never been to one before," she admitted. I had to fight back the urge to take her hand as I guided her towards the ticket booths.

"Well then I've got so much to show you," I told her with a grin.


The first thing she wanted to do was go on the carousel. I personally have always found it boring, but watching her face light up with a smile as she rode made my heart melt. Maybe I'd just found a new favourite ride. We sat together in one of the carriages as it spun around a few times before getting off and debating where to go next.

"Have you ever been on a roller coaster before?" I asked her. She shook her head, warily glancing up at the Cyclone ride. I chuckled. "Let's start with something small then, okay?" Mia followed me over to a small line consisting of mostly small children and parents.

"Are those... teacups?" she asked, a soft laugh slipping from her mouth. I loved that sound, it was adorable.

"Yep. I know it's technically coined as a kiddie ride, but I think it's a good place to start," I informed her. She smiled.

"Sounds good to me," We climbed into a teacup together, sitting opposite sides from one another. She was watching the rest of the park spin around but I couldn't help but stare at Mia the entire time. She was gorgeous in her own sweet, innocent way. She was wearing black jeans and a deep green sweater, bringing out her beautiful green eyes.

I swear the ride ended early, and I wanted nothing more than to sit there and stare at her some more despite how creepy it sounded.

"I think we should ride that one," Mia said, pointing to the giant Cyclone coaster. My eyes widened in surprise.

"Are you sure?" I asked, not wanting to push her into it. She smiled.

"Yes, it looks fun," A girl after my own heart. I grabbed her arm gently and led her over to the line.

"Have you been here before?" Mia questioned me as we waited. I nodded.

"Luna Park? Yeah, I've been here loads of times. My dad used to take us here when we were kids," I paused, resentment clouding up in my mind. Her face softened as she read my sombre expression.

"Is everything alright?" I shook my head clear of the gloomy emotions, plastering a neutral look on my face.

"Yeah. My dad... he wasn't a very good father," I replied. "He did a lot of things he shouldn't have, and he died because of it,"

"Oh, I'm sorry," I glanced down as she placed a gentle hand on my arm, giving me a supportive smile. I shrugged.

"It's fine, don't worry about it," I slipped a hair tie from off my wrist, handing it to Mia. "Here. You'll want to tie your hair back," I told her. She took it with a nod.

"Thanks," she whispered. I watched her knot her hair on top of her head before she brightly smiled up at me.

It was our turn to ride next, and we took our seats near the front of the coaster. The attendant made sure we were barred in before moving on to the next couple. I looked over at Mia, giving her a grin. She looked half-frightened and half-excited, but it was adorable nonetheless.

"You ready?" I asked her. She nodded.



Me ne vado adesso, stai fuori dai guai. Torno presto, ti amo - I'm leaving now, stay out of trouble. I'll be back soon, I love you

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