Chapter 95

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December 24th, 2019

I headed into the kitchen, finding a few of my brothers eating breakfast at the counter. Most of them were still asleep, though, as usual. There wasn't even an actual meal, just several boxes of cereal lined up in a row.

Cato offered me a soft smile. "Good morning,"

"Hi," I replied, reaching for an apple.

"Don't you want cereal?" Colton asked, pointing to the colourful boxes.

I shook my head in disgust. "No thanks," I peered down into his bowl. "It looks . . . interesting,"

Eli immediately looked deeply offended. "First you hated the pop tarts, and now Lucky Charms? This is unacceptable! You're officially banned from this kitchen!"

"I guess you'll be in charge of the cooking now," I teased, munching on my apple.

Calvin quickly shook his head, clutching Eli's wrist tightly. "Eli, take it back! Take it back!"

"Oh shut it you three, she can like or dislike whatever she wants," Cato scolded. He glanced at his watch. "Is your brother up yet?" he asked the two triplets.

"I'm here, I'm here," Cayden mumbled tiredly, padding into the kitchen and yawning.

Cato frowned disapprovingly. "Seriously?" he chastised. "How late did you three stay up?"

"Like four," Calvin answered with a grin.

Cato just rolled his eyes. "Have some coffee," he advised Cayden. "We're leaving in fifteen minutes,"


The four of us climbed out of the car, stepping out into the snowy hospital parking lot.

Colton sulkily stayed put by the car, glaring at Cato. "I don't want to be here," he muttered. "Not again,"

I gently took his arm, pulling him along. "I don't either," I whispered. I could've sworn I'd seen tears glistening in his eyes behind his glasses, but he quickly wiped them away with the back of his sleeve as we made our way inside and checked in, waiting in the lobby in uncomfortable chairs. I tried not to think about how much time they'd spent in these very chairs just three weeks ago, not even knowing if I'd been alive or not. That had to be the reason Colton had refused to go the hospital when he'd been cut last week.

"So, Amelia, yours is first," Cato told us. "I'll go with the boys to theirs since I'm assuming you'd rather go by yourself?"

I nodded, shifting in my chair.

"I just want to get this thing off," Cayden muttered, scowling at the cast around his fingers.

"At least I've got a cool scar," Colton added, his tone lighter.

I turned to face him. "How's your stomach?" I asked softly. "Did you change the dressing like I told you to?"

"Yeah, after my shower last night," He lifted up the side of his shirt, revealing the gauze pad taped over his wound. "Did I do it right?"

"You did,"

Cato nudged me with his foot. "Hey, they're calling you," He pointed to where one of the nurses was waiting by the hall.

I got up and went to go greet her as she pulled me into a gentle hug. "Kayla,"

"I see you changed your mind about them," she mused as she led me into an exam room, handing me a hospital gown and pulling the curtain between us.

"Yes, I did," I replied proudly, hurrying to change into the papery dress.

Kayla smiled and tied back the curtain once I was done. "Good," she said. "I know they really care about you. Your brother was here every day waiting for you, even after you kicked them out,"

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