Chapter 91

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December 22nd, 2019


I knocked against the archway of the kitchen as I entered, trying not to startle my sister too much. Xander and Landon had just left to spend the night at Landon's apartment, and she was at the sink doing dishes, even though I'd told her not to worry about it.

"Everything alright?" Amelia asked softly, glancing up at my knock.

"Yeah," I answered. "I was just hoping to have that talk now,"

She nodded and dried her hands on the dishtowel before following me out into the living room where Alan was already waiting with a scowl on his face and his arms folded across his chest impatiently.

"What's going on?" he demanded, though he softened when Amelia sat down beside him.

"A couple of things, actually," I started. "One, Amelia, you have a doctors appointment Tuesday morning. It shouldn't be anything too concerning, it's just to make sure everything's healing correctly," I'd scheduled three appointments all for the same time to make things easier on myself. She and Calvin and Cayden each had one.

"And secondly, I've been working with some lawyers and detectives to look through all of your files and records and whatnot, and as I'm sure you know, a lot of it is fake,"

Amelia nodded slowly. "I do," she answered quietly.

"I'm working on getting your school transcripts sent over so you can keep your credits and hopefully graduate next year," I explained, and she nodded again.

"What does this have to do with me?" Alan asked, glancing between us.

I shot him an annoyed look. "I'm getting there," I informed him, turning back to Amelia. "What that also means, is that your driver's license is fake," I said. "Which means you can't legally drive anymore,"

Her eyes widened in surprise. "Oh," she whispered.

"I still don't see how this involves me," Alan said, clearly annoyed.

I attempted to mentally brace myself for the temper I knew was coming. Alan was about to lose his shit and at this point, I knew it was unavoidable. "Because I've signed you both up for drivers ed,"

Alan's expression immediately darkened. "Both of us?" he repeated icily.

"Alan, calm down,"

"I'm not doing it, Cato," he spat bitterly. "And you can't make me!"

My voice rose. "Will you shut up and listen to me for one second?!" I sighed as Amelia laced her hand with Alan's. "You're seventeen years old, Alan, you need to start driving,"

"That's a shit reason," he retorted.

"There are nine of us living in this house now, having both of you driving would be a huge help. I know you don't want to but you're going to, so I'd appreciate it if you'd cooperate,"

"I'm not doing it," Alan shot back viciously.

"We'll be doing it together," Amelia reminded him softly, though she herself looked mildly frightened.

I could tell she didn't like all the yelling, and quite frankly, it was understandable. It was moments like these where I really hated having to be the parent.

Alan yanked his hand away from hers, standing up. "Our parents died in a car wreck, Cato! You seriously want me to do the same?!"

"Alan, I get that you are upset, but you need to calm down," I demanded.

"Don't tell me to calm down!" he shouted. "I'm not getting behind the wheel of a car and there is no way in fucking hell you're going to make me!"

I watched Amelia wince instinctively, her eyes nervously meeting mine. "Alan," I said tautly, trying not to raise my voice. "If you want to have an actual conversation with me I'll gladly have it, but if you're going to sit here and yell and scare your sister, you need to leave,"

His chest was heaving, his eyes dark as he turned to stare at Amelia. His gaze suddenly softened and he was quiet for a long minute before he muttered out a 'sorry' and promptly stomped away.

We both heard his door slam closed before I sighed, running a hand through my hair.

"I'm sorry about that," I told her.

She shrugged lightly. "It's okay," she said.

"Will you try to convince him?" I asked quietly. "He might take it better coming from you,"

"I can try,"

Footsteps thundered into the living room. "What the hell was that about?" Eli demanded. "I'm trying to get Javi to sleep but now he's wide awake,"

Amelia flashed him a grateful smile.

It had taken a lot of convincing - from Eli and Javi both - but she'd agreed for Eli to be the one to put Javi to bed tonight. If there was one thing she consistently relentless about, it was taking care of Javi. She'd raised him and she basically still was. I was trying my best to ease some of her responsibilities but she refused to let anyone else parent him. I knew how hard it was to parent at such a young age, and I certainly didn't want her to have to go through it as I had, but it would be a time-ridden process to make her feel comfortable enough with us to let us raise Javi as she does.

"Alan and I are doing driving lessons," Amelia answered for me.

Eli's face immediately morphed into understanding. Everybody in our family knew that Alan had forever sworn off driving. "Good luck with that," he said jokingly, grinning towards me. "He's going to kill you before that happens,"

"I'm going to check on Javi," Amelia told us softly, heading towards the stairs.

Eli ran to stop her. "Hey! I said I would do it, so let me finish!" he begged.

"Fine," she murmured. "I trust you,"

Eli nodded triumphantly, racing back upstairs.

I patted the couch beside me as she walked back over. "Come sit. Let's watch something,"

Amelia nodded and slid into the spot beside me as I draped a blanket over us. She cuddled closer, resting her head on my shoulder. "Can we watch the show we watched together in the hospital?" she asked shyly.

"Hell yes," I answered with a grin. "Finally, a sibling with good taste. I knew I liked you," I nudged her and she giggled softly.

I had to do some reexplaining of the plot, but it was definitely worth it. We didn't spend a lot of time just the two of us, but I liked it when we did. 

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