Epilogue p1

699 26 0

December 25th, 2019

The doorbell rang loudly throughout the house, ceasing the chatter from downstairs.

"Amelia!" Cato called, opening the door.

"Coming!" I grabbed my phone and headed down to where Javi and Cato were waiting with Neo, who grinned at me.


"Hi," I whispered back, kissing his cheek. I saw Cato make a face but he didn't say anything.

"Are you ready to go?" Neo asked me.

I nodded, handing Javi his coat and pulling on my jean jacket over my hoodie.

"Have them back by nine," Cato advised Neo, looking like his usual intimidating self.

"Yes sir," Neo agreed, grabbing my hand.

"BYE MIA!" The triplets shouted from the living room in between a chorus of laughter.

Alan came out to join us, shoving his hands in his pockets. He didn't say anything, just watched us. His gaze eventually met mine and softened. "Have fun," he said, though it was directed to just me.

I flashed him a gentle smile. "Bye." I grabbed Neo's gift as the three of us left the house into the chilly winter air.

"I figured we'd stop at home for a bit and then the two of us could go out," Neo explained as he started up the car.

"Sounds good to me." I took one last glance back at the house, rolling my eyes at all the lights.

The drive, luckily, was brief; Christmas music softly playing in the background. Javi was trying to sing along even though he didn't know the words, in between excitedly babbling about everything that had happened this morning.

"I'm warning you now," Neo told me with a smile as we climb the front steps. "Everyone's really excited to see you."

Neo pushed the door open and instantly the loud family chatter filled my ears. The whole house smelt of cinnamon and other mouth-watering foods, and Spanish holiday music was playing from the kitchen.

Javi went right in, finding the girls and running off to play.

"Mia!" Ma exclaimed, pulling me into a hug. "Welcome!"

I made sure to greet the rest of his family too, greeted by warm smiles and several waves in return.

"Let's go upstairs," Neo said, leading me up to his bedroom and shutting the door behind us. "It's definitely way quieter up here."

I laughed softly in agreeance. "I always forget how lively your family is," I commented.

"You've got just as many people in yours," Neo reminded me. "I think it's pretty equal."

"There's still a difference. Yours is way more familial than mine."

"Hey, you're a part of this family too," Neo defended.

I glanced over at him, seeing his cheeks flush a deep pink. "I am?"

He grinned. "Well, yeah, of course. You're my girlfriend and my best friend; I always want you to be a part of my life."

I smiled up at him, feeling happier than ever. I pulled him closer, kissing him. "I love you."

"I love you more," he said back, kissing me harder.

I broke away, remembering the package I'd brought with me and handed him the box.

He looked at me quizically before tearing into the paper and lifting the lid. He chuckled as he saw what was inside. "You're so adorable," he chuckles, holding up a black sweatshirt with a little sun stitched into the corner.

"It matches mine," I told him proudly, pointing to the grey hoodie I was wearing that had a moon stitched into it.

Neo quickly pulled it on and took out his phone, pulling me and snapping several pictures. He stepped apart, grabbing a small parcel from his night table and handing it to me. "Your turn."

I opened the package, revealing a small blue book bound in soft leather. I glanced at him before opening it, finding all of our photos inside. I flipped through the pages, recognising the moments from the amusement park, the Highline with our froyo, and the photos from the hospital balcony, dried flowers and bits of glitter adorning the pages.

"I love it," I whispered happily.

Neo grinned and kissed my forehead. "I'm glad."


I excitedly peered into the window of the store as we walked downtown, looking at all of the stuffed animals lining the shelves. I heard someone whistling but before I could turn to see, Neo roughly pulled me into a tight hug, kissing my cheek.

"Mine," he growls, and I watched a couple of guys mutter and walk away.

"Someone's jealous," I sang sweetly, poking him in the chest.

He smirked. "So what if I am?"

"Kiss me," I said.

"Make me," he teased back.

I grabbed his head and pulled him close, kissing him. He slid his hands down my waist, getting a little too into it, so I pulled away, smiling as he groaned.

"You're such a tease." He rolled his eyes at me. "Get back here." But I giggled and ran away. "Mia!" He shouted before sprinting after me.

I was laughing the whole time until I was swept off my feet as he grabbed me and spun me around. "Neo!" I screamed, still laughing.

"Gotcha," he whispered in my ear. He set me down and laced his hand with mine. "Come on, it's almost sundown and we've got to get home."

I smiled, following him along.


He pushed open the door to the roof landing and we stepped onto the snowy ground. Lights were strung around the railings and arched-lattice trellises, casting a soft yellow glow over the snow and patio benches.

I walked over to the railing, looking out at the city, bathed in orange and pink as the sun dips down behind the buildings. "This is amazing!" I exclaimed.

"I knew you'd like it," Neo replied, wrapping his arms around my waist and kissing my neck.

Snow began to sift down around us and I smiled. My phone buzzed with a couple of texts and I knew it was my brothers checking in. Everything was so perfect now, maybe I could finally have my happy ending.

"Merry Christmas, Mia," Neo whispered.

I smiled, leaning into his embrace. "Merry Christmas."

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